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Play .wmv files?

I used handbrake to convert movies to mp4 format. I can view the mp4 movies on my Mac, but I can't sync to the iPad. Any suggestion? TIA
Not all encoding apps seem to produce iTunes compliant mp4 files. I find that the aleesoft iPad converter for example never gives me an mp4 which iTunes likes. I found that running the mp4 through avidemux 2.5 (just remixing to a new mp4) solved this.

I then later found that Tmpgenc 4 xpress produces itunes compatible mp4s without any help afterwards so I just use that now.
I 4th or 5th the Air Video method.

I use it all the time, just rip out the video, add it to the conversion queue and walk back a bit later and transfer it to my iPad.

Done and done.

It's not perfect, and the size isn't super easy to scale, but it's GUARANTEED to work perfectly on the iPad. I've done many files and it hasn't sneezed once at them.
Reading through this thread, it has become apparent what a mess Apple has made of video playing on the iPad. Just support the standards already will you Apple? If your tablet cannot even play avi natively, then "they blew it". I guess if they made it easy, then they might lose some iTunes sales.
I hate to say it, but they did make it easy. In fact maybe too easy. I'm playing with my new Droid X phone, what a nightmare, I had the previous Droid, but just didn't bother with it, this one could actually become a phone I would use, but it's not like an iPhone or iPad that just works, syncs everything automatically. I have to hunt down programs and buy them to sync with and find my media and manually copy it to the phone, what a PITA.
It's not that they made a mess of it, video formats are a mess on their own. Wmv is window's native format, kinda like .mov was for Mac. Now vlc will play it for you on a computer but on native players a lot of the decoding is done in Hardware so they only support the major formats.

Long story short use Air Video to stream or handbrake to convert and play natively.
Reading through this thread, it has become apparent what a mess Apple has made of video playing on the iPad. Just support the standards already will you Apple? If your tablet cannot even play avi natively, then "they blew it". I guess if they made it easy, then they might lose some iTunes sales.

There you go. Hating on Apple again.

It is the iPhone OS. It can't do anything an iPhone can do.

It's not a laptop. It doesn't have the same features. It was never promoted as having those features.

WMV is WINDOWS media video. It doesn't even play natively on Mac!

As far as AVI, does the iPhone play AVI? The iPod touch? If the answer is no, then you shouldn't have expected different on a virtually giant-sized iPod Touch/iPhone.

Apple hasn't made a mess of what they offered, you're making a mess of what you expect Apple to have done.
Reading through this thread, it has become apparent what a mess Apple has made of video playing on the iPad. Just support the standards already will you Apple? If your tablet cannot even play avi natively, then "they blew it". I guess if they made it easy, then they might lose some iTunes sales.

There you go. Hating on Apple again.

It is the iPhone OS. It can't do anything an iPhone can do.

It's not a laptop. It doesn't have the same features. It was never promoted as having those features.

WMV is WINDOWS media video. It doesn't even play natively on Mac!

As far as AVI, does the iPhone play AVI? The iPod touch? If the answer is no, then you shouldn't have expected different on a virtually giant-sized iPod Touch/iPhone.

Apple hasn't made a mess of what they offered, you're making a mess of what you expect Apple to have done.

I guess I am greedy. I expect a piece of hardware that is fully capable of being able to play something to play it. I am not used to the Apple way of doing things, which is to cripple functionality and options to lure their customers into using iTunes for everything. I have never used a device that did this on purpose and could not be fixed. Even my 2 year old Windows mobile phone plays avi and mkv files without a problem.

Call it hating on Apple, but I just expect something that is capable of doing something to just do it.
Best way would be Air Video....it will convert anything on your computer on the fly...and it works OH SO WELL!

There is not and will never be a way to natively play WMV files (unless you jailbreak and someone ports VLC to the iPad)...which is the way it should be since it is a useless container! H.264 plays perfectly on any system.

wrong. Check oplayer hd
oPlayer HD it's available at iTunes.


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I'm a PC user, having never owned a Mac. Apple makes a media player called QuickTime, which can play a variety of movie/music formats. Their phones and other mobile devices, however, use only the Mac-specific formats.

As for Windows, they too have a media player that can play multiple movie/music formats. But, what about mobile devices that use a Windows OS? How about Linux? Or Unix? We need to compare apples to apples.

The bottom line...

All operating systems have proprietary applications.

Also, ripping movies and then converting them to mp4 is not a difficult task.

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