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Play .wmv files?

Is there going to be anyway you can stream .WMV files on the Ipad in the future?:(
no, you can't stream .WMV video files on the iPad derectly, and now the iPad don't support .WMV video files, so you need to convert the .WMV file to iPad friendly formats, there are many programs can do the converting, like this one introduced in this forumn: http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-apps/1017-ifunia-readying-mac-video-converter-ipad.html

You now can stream ALL your YouTube videos directly to the iPad using VLC for the iPad which was release a couple days ago.

You will also need Air Video for the iPad


Videora iPad Converter is a free iPad video converter that converts video files, YouTube videos, movies and DVD's so you can play them on your iPad.

The software, developed by the creators of Videora, can convert all types of video files (avi, divx, xvid, flv, x264, vob, mpeg, DVD's, YouTube, etc.) into the proper video formats (MPEG-4, H.264) that play on the iPad.

With Videora iPad Converter you can convert videos for any type of iPad that plays video.

You can also convert videos for the iPod and iPhone. It is available for Windows and Mac.

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See, the thing with VLC on the iPad is that it does NOT use any hardware accelleration. Knowing the company, they probably have no ability to access the hardware in order to enable that accelleration.

What it means is that although it can probably play the file type, the quality will be crap, which is what most people are commenting on.

The same thing happened with VLC on the PS3 if you put Linux on it. Yes, you could technically play any file type, but without access to the actual hardware, it wouldn't run properly.

Same goes with a closed type OS as iOS, Xbox, PS3, etc., etc.
Is there going to be anyway you can stream .WMV files on the Ipad in the future?:(

Seeing how the desktop version of the VLC player can handle .WMV I would assume that the iPad version can as well.

The iPad version does not have anything to do with the experience you get from the Desktop version. Give opinions on assumcions is not of any help. The result is waste of time and sometime money. Just my 2 cents. (I'm not saying that you have done it but it's something that I have noticed in this forum and particularly in this thread.)

It funny to read this thread where from the beginning there are people answering that you can't play wmv in iPads when you can. One of the player that allow that is oplayer but Warning, all the players that can play wmv they do it but not too good. The best result is when you are streaming because the performance hit is taking by the server.

That's why my recommendation goes to zumocast. It works like ORB but it's free. You can play your video library as long as you are connected to the web virtually everywhere. The quality of the video of course, depend on the quality of your connection.
See, the thing with VLC on the iPad is that it does NOT use any hardware accelleration. Knowing the company, they probably have no ability to access the hardware in order to enable that accelleration.

What it means is that although it can probably play the file type, the quality will be crap, which is what most people are commenting on.

The same thing happened with VLC on the PS3 if you put Linux on it. Yes, you could technically play any file type, but without access to the actual hardware, it wouldn't run properly.

Same goes with a closed type OS as iOS, Xbox, PS3, etc., etc.

You have explained beautifully. I would add that this is one of the reasons why playing videos is a lot better experience in Android.
I wanted to play the downloadable wmv Structure of Man figure drawing videos on my iPad and the author suggested oplayer and they work great on it.

yxplayer2 didn't work.

converting is a SLOW process :-(

I'm so thankful oplayer is working flawlessly at least on these videos.
Wmv on ipad

I am new to ipad but get sent a lot of yousendit and other wmv files. I can view wmv by downloading to the Filer app, then opening with the yxplayer2 app -not yxplayer2lite. Works a treat.
I am using VLC and it plays video fine. I wish there was a way to adjust the audio though, I need my headphones for a lot of stuff or else I'll be missing the audio channel with all the dialogue.
Nevermind, the VLC player didn't hold up once I really gave it a try. What software would you recommend for converting? I would like it to be free and super user friendly, like one ckick friendly if possible:D
Nevermind, the VLC player didn't hold up once I really gave it a try. What software would you recommend for converting? I would like it to be free and super user friendly, like one ckick friendly if possible:D

My favorite is handbreak. Free and easy to use.....
Before any of you buy anything or waste your time with converters, you should try the free ZumoCast app. ZumoCast gives you remote access to your entire computer so you can watch videos, listen to music, or view your documents from literally anywhere, using your iPad, iPhone, or any computer (DRM-free content only). It can stream almost any video format on your iPad and iPhone. Alternatively, it can also download the video and play it natively, which completely eliminates the need for conversion.

Best of all, it totally bypasses iTunes. Anything you add to your 'Movies' and 'Music' folders will instantly sync with the app. You don't even have to be at home to manage your library, you just login to Zumocast from any browser and you can view, upload, and download your files from anywhere. This makes it possible to listen to your music online from your work computer. And for times when you don't have internet, you can always download any file you want onto your iPad.

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