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Please help! Cant sync my ipad2 with my pc...

Hello all,

Please help, I'm trying to sync my iPad2 with my pc for iTunes, the lady at the apple shop said I should join them up and be able to transfer certain files from iTunes. When I link them up I get a message on my pc stating 'the iPad cannot be used as it requires iTunes version 10.5 or later' I follow the instructions to download this on the website from my iPad click download and it just goes back to the beginning! My iPad is brand new for Christmas, so I thought it would have the latest iTunes anyway?! Please help its driving me crazy just want my iTunes with my iPad!!!


Hi Lou,

Welcome to the forum! Just to have a clear understanding, do you already have itunes on your PC? Your itunes on your PC must have the most current update of 10.5 or later in order to work with your new ipad. Do that first. See here for directions and download: Apple - Support - iTunes

You cannot download the update for itunes on your ipad.The itunes it is referring to is the itunes program from your PC or mac in order for it to communicate with your Ipad during the initial set up.

Also, I didn't see whether you mentioned what operating system (OS) you are on? The latest for the ipad is iOS 5.01. Verify that on your ipad under Settings/General/About/Version.

See if any of this helps.

Thanks so much for your reply! :)

I have checked the version for the ipad and mine is 5.0.1, does that mean its the old version?

I'm currently in the process of following your advice and downloading the latest iTunes for my pc!

Hopefully that will work this is driving me crazy! Lol

Ok, so you have the most current version on your ipad. So technically, you really do not have to directly connect your ipad to itunes via the PC using the usb cord. You can if you wish, but you can also do a "wifi sync," which was one of the features of the IOS 5 back in October. You just need to make sure that you check that in your itunes setting on your PC.

What you will need to do though is make sure that you have the latest version running on your itunes program on your PC. What files are you trying to load from itunes to your ipad? Documents, apps, photos?

Thank you so much for your advice, I have finally transferred my iTunes!

Can I please ask a few more questions...

I only have a 16gb memory and used most of it with iTunes (and only transferred a quarter of my iTunes collection) when I check usage it amounts to 14gb not 16 why is this?

Also can you please explain the iCloud to me as I don't really understand it, the thing is my pc with all my iTunes is on its way out so really want to get as much music off as possible is the iCloud a way of doing this?

Thanks again

So glad to hear that you were able to download itunes and sync your music successfully! It is sometimes nerve wracking to try to figure things out, however, having forums like this is always a re-assurance for many-including myself.

Regarding your usage, music takes quite a bit of storage. See the links below. I do not store music on my ipad, but on my ipod touch/classic (80gb). My ipad is used primarily for apps, books, some photos, and the usual surf.


egarding icloud-there was a bit of confusion pertaining to its use when it first came out. Since than, there has been lengthy discussions regarding cloud. I have chosen not to use icloud for my current needs. I have Windows XP which will not work for managing my data on cloud. See the links below regarding cloud and music. Remember, you will need access to wifi to listen to your music on cloud. Also, you only have 5 gb of storage with icloud. This too, can be monitored in terms of data and storage usage from settings/icloud.
Hope this helps you. :o

Apple - iCloud - All your music on all your devices.

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