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Please Help If Possible: I need an RSS Google reader with a night mode.


iPF Noob
I have light sensitive eyes. Especially at night even with IPAD on LOWEST BRIGHTNESS its hard on the eyes. Bunch of posts on that issue. I use REEDER rss reader and others. None have a NIGHT MODE (black background white text). ANYBODY KNOW OF ONE? I have several great ones on my ANDROID DROID X (FEEDR is one) that offer night mode but thats ANDROID not IPAD. So if anyone knows of a rss reader that imports google rss feeds that offers black background white text please let us know. Thanks very much! :)
I don't know how this app will look in this mode, but you can go to Settings | General | Accesibility then select the White on Black option and that reverses everything.

WOW!!! 1991-C4 Thank you so much for that tip! It works BUT THE ONLY MAJOR PROBLEM IS THAT ALL THE IMAGES LOOK LIKE PHOTO NEGATIVES. So if you go in to ipads settings/general/accessibility/ and set background to black all images are turned in to negatives in most all the apps. IS THERE ANYWAY around this? If so, that would be great. Still going to be looking for a rss google newsreader that does offer black background but your tip EVEN THOUGH CANT VIEW IMAGES will get me by for now. Will save my eyes and my headaches! Thanks so much. :)
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Glad I could be of some help. Perhaps if enough people like you let Apple know, they might include a better presentation method that is easier on the eyes at some time in the future.

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