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Please help - problem opening up a links embedded in web pages


iPF Noob
In a web page when I click on a word or a sentence that should open a new link, nothing happens...how do I fix that?
Same issue. Out the blue hyperlinks or links will not open. Tried reset using home + lock buttons. Still not working.
Thanks, it appears to be isolated to a single site, which may require, I don't know yet, a paid subscription.

I read the rules of the forum, thank you, and find the site of value.

If it's only happening on a single site it's unlikely to be a problem with the iPad and could very well be related to the site itself as you suspect.
Started to experience this on my iPad Air following 9.3upgrade. Interesting it is not happening on my 6s.
Many hundreds of reports on line re this problem. Some are getting relief by turning off java script in safari (safari-advanced) but most are not. Others suggesting changing search engine from Google helps but no overall fix yet. It seems we need to wait for the next release of iOS.
Search on hyperlinks not opening in email, I think it is likely the same problem being discussed here.
Experienced this link launching problem (locks the screen) first 3 days ago while running iOS 9.2.1. Hoped it might be corrected after installing 9.3. It wasn't. First enountered the problem clicking URLs in iOS email module. Link would not launch Safari and froze the email program. Later, found the same failure to launch Safari from a URL in a Dropbox file. Still later, found the identical issue when trying to click URLs to a wide variety of web addresses in other apps; therefore, not related to specific websites. This appears to be a Safari based bug. It has occurred on 4 different iPads & iPad Airs so it is not device specific. Any help would be appreciated.
Kent, same problem here. I have just installed the latest 9.3 but no fix. I have tried turning off Java script and changing the search engine to Bing (both within safari) but no joy. Will keep trying today for a fix.
Experienced this link launching problem (locks the screen) first 3 days ago while running iOS 9.2.1. Hoped it might be corrected after installing 9.3. It wasn't. First enountered the problem clicking URLs in iOS email module. Link would not launch Safari and froze the email program. Later, found the same failure to launch Safari from a URL in a Dropbox file. Still later, found the identical issue when trying to click URLs to a wide variety of web addresses in other apps; therefore, not related to specific websites. This appears to be a Safari based bug. It has occurred on 4 different iPads & iPad Airs so it is not device specific. Any help would be appreciated.

Immediately after posted the previous message I clicked on scifans57's message link Read Forum Rules. Doing so froze Safari. Could not go back (<), close the tab, or do anything with the window. Had to close & reopen Safari, log back in, and post this reply to my original message. Something is definitely amiss with links launching Safari. Help please, Super Moderator or anyone else.

Immediately after posted the previous message I clicked on scifans57's message link Read Forum Rules. Doing so froze Safari. Could not go back (<), close the tab, or do anything with the window. Had to close & reopen Safari, log back in, and post this reply to my original message. Something is definitely amiss with links launching Safari. Help please, Super Moderator or anyone else.

The strange thing is that this problem is not affecting everybody. I don't have any problems with links on any of my devices, all of which are on iOS 9.3.

Which iPad were you using and is it running the newly revised iOS 9.3 update recently released?
Sci, I updated two iPad Airs (1), mine and my wife's with the revised 9.3. My wife's works perfectly, mine has the bug. I will spend a little time later and compare settings, see if I can find a difference.
The strange thing is that this problem is not affecting everybody. I don't have any problems with links on any of my devices, all of which are on iOS 9.3.

Which iPad were you using and is it running the newly revised iOS 9.3 update recently released?

Yes, very strange & very frustrating, All 4 iPads (2 iPad 3s & 2 iPad Airs) running iOS 9.3 installed yesterday. But the problem began while running 9.2.1 a few days earlier. Safari launches OK from within some apps such as CNBC, but not from within others like email, Dropbox, etc.
Those with the link problems might give clearing history and data in Safari's settings and see if that helps. Especially if the problem is site specific (here).

Edit: Never mind. I'm seeing news stories saying this is a widely known problem with the iOS 9.3 update (for some peope). The abover suggestion probably won't help, though it might still be worth a try.

I'm a bit behind in my news reading to day, mostly because I was burried in a good book
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I have 2 iPad Air 1s, one with the issue, one without. I have just compared settings across the two machines, the only difference was the do not track setting. Changing it did not change the issue. Back to the drawing board!
I updated both my iPad Air2 and iPhone 5c to iOS 9.3, and haven't experienced any problems with embedded links, however yesterday my iPhone downloaded iOS 9.3 a second time.
I assume this is a pushed updated version designed to fix the link problem.
Has anyone else had the download twice?

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