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Please READ before you post in iPad 2 forum

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Staff member
Welcome new members. It is very important to post in the correct forum as it reduces the enormous amount of house keeping required to maintain iPad forums.net.

Ipad2 forum is ONLY for specific issues with the ipad 2 not general support or discussion problems.

So if you have:

1) A general question about your new iPad then please click this link. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-general-discussions/

2) If you require help for your new iPad 2 and it is a general help problem not IPAD 2 specific Please click this link. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-help/

If you have general specific questions about your iPad 2 then please be free to post here. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-2-forum/

Please understand we will move threads without warning if for what ever reason are in the wrong section.

Thank you for your assistance
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