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Pls pls answer all of my ipad questions..there's alot!! Thanks.

Lastly, is it worth holding out for tje ipad 2? Obviously if I have no
ipad by then I'll get the second one anyway..it's supposed to be cheaper which I can't see,
It almost certainly will not be cheaper. Apple rarely lowers their prices on new models. They will add features and maintain the price at the high end.
have a front n back camera with a smaller thinner frame and a 7inch screen instead of a 9.5 inch?
Steve Jobs has made it clear there will not be a 7" iPad. He thinks that size is absurd.
And it's supposed to be released in April in the uk?
As nice as it would be if those are the only differences I'm not fussed, plus when thinner and smaller things come out thry tend to have alot of bugs. Tje only thing I'd be worried about is I'll get the ipad and then the ipad 2 comes out and it has a retina screen like the iPhone 4 which is sposed to be absolutley fantastic to look at and play games on but I havnt experienced that.
You are making a great deal of fuss over rumors and speculations. Nobody except Apple knows what the iPad 2 will have. I would not rely on any speculation.
I do not agree it is not a waste of money in fact it will pay for it self in some cases depending what you do with it. I use to purchase the courier mail newspaper (Qld Australia ) every day the cost per year was. $494. The digital version which is excellent and same content is $9.5 per month a savings of $380 per year.

The iPad, a way to save money...Hmmm.

a) What was so superior about the print version that compelled you to buy it every day rather than read the online version (cost per year, $0.00)?

b) What makes the iPad subscription version of the Mail superior to the standard online version?

c) Do you regard any of the apps that you've bought since getting the iPad a waste of money? I'm not talking about apps that you used for a while, enjoyed and then tired of. I mean apps that were never any good and that you wished you'd never bought?

Just asking.

The digital version is available 7/24 with updates every few hours. The only thing missing is the horse racing guide and and that's about it. One purchases newspapers because they want to read the Latest news Maybe you dont i do not know. The online version is not as complete for the courier mail in Australia compared to the digital version further more the digital versions is made for the iPad and is much easier to read and easier to move between pages and stories. It is my choice to use it. One other thing on the ipad it is available any time to read it is only updated when I log on to the net. I also have several american newspapers installed that are free like USA today

The other way I have saved money is using the iPad in business which has helped reduce my time and made me more productive. The apps I use are Quick sale for quoting and invoicing and informant hd. Another app is 1password which holds all my user name passwords for special sites where i can purchase computer hardware / software from thus making life easy to place orders.
I also do provide remote log in to a few sites and use the iPad instead of a laptop to sort out support issues.

I know I could use a lap top to do the above but to be frank even a MacBook is heavy compared to the iPad plus battery life is only 4 hours max. The instant on plus fantastic battery life makes the iPad a winner without question

So maybe you can understand my statement. Take the newspaper subscriptions plus the time saved using the iPad for work. It really becomes a cost effective solution and pays for itself

In respect to apps purchased that I no longer use that are a waste of money may be 10 at the most on the iPad total investment tops $50. I have blown one hell of a lot more on wasted apps on my. Mac and also pc than any I device i have owned. One example is Microsoft office on both platforms an expensive bloated bundle not worth the money you pay to use.

I look at what I pay for the courier mail and it is worth it with out question maybe where you live newspaper subscriptions are not up to scratch or you do not read the news. I was using it as an example only. The iPad is priced right for what it delivers nothing comes close. The cost of ownership and cost of apps is a pea in the ocean compared to owing a desktop or lap top.
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Thankyou. I got one today..32gb.
The woman serving tho said I do have to pay for the sane game again on ipad cos it's a different format (HD) even if I got it on the iPod.
I see. So on the app store on ipad, where it's got iPhone/iPod games at the bottom I can click on say diner dash and download it for free onto
the ipad cos I already got it on iPod (but obviously not if it's in the ipad only section).
I have created a new apple iTunes account for the ipad but I'm using the sane bank card as I'm using for the iPod...does that still mean I
won't be charged twice?
If you have a different id you'll be charged again. Its not the payment factor that determine it it is the user id.
Damn I couldve bought the newer version for the same price.
It's on the app screen but paused so now way I can delete it now or cancel payment.
Can I change the ID to my old one for ipad? And swap it bck n forth as I please to my old n new ID?
Is there some reason you want it to have a different Apple ID? The only reason to do that is if you want to pay for all Apps twice, as far as I can tell.
I am using my husbands apple ID and bank account for the iPod ATM and it's the only thing the iD is used for. I've downloaded many games and apps for it.
I am opening my own bank account next week to use for iTunes and so I set up my own apple ID ready but put in my husbands card details on my account for now until mine is open, then when mine is open I was simply going to switch the card details to mine instead. I want apple emails to come to me instead you see on my account and bills to be charged to my new card when it arrives.

So what I've done is using my new ID but my husbands card details last night I've downloaded some free stuff on the ipad and stupidly bought the iPod broken sword game again and its downloading now so its too late. Of course I will be charged again now cos it was a different account used.

I have now switched back to my husbands apple ID account on the app store but going on create a new account and filling in his emails etc. It then recognised the email and said its already in use so do I wanna sign in with that ID? I clicked yes and entered his email again (as his apple ID) and his password to sign in (even tho his account was created ages ago and he doesn't use a capital or number in his password as prompted) it accepted it and it recognised his full name, card details and address etc etc.
So now I am signed in as him on my iPad as far as I can tell.

What id like to do before my new account opens is download my fave iPod games for free on my iPad.
Like diner dash, wedding dash etc, and so when I click under iPod games on the app store and select one it should download and say are you sure you want to download this again for free shouldn't it? Cos I've already bought it once for the iPod?
It doesn't day wether or not they've updated them for the iPad on the description so I'm unsure as to weth id pay, all I know is its compatable with the iPad.

On the support section on the iTunes thing tho it says unless you make a backup or download it again for free on the same device, from what I gather, you got to pay for it again.
I am very confused.
We havnt a lot in my husbands bank ATM and want to leave it just for bills so I don't wanna be downloading my iPod favourites nd find out later we got a big itunes bill we can't pay. I already sent a few quid on broken sword when I plan on getting the iPad version anyway with my bank soon.
I do want to be able to play some games on here before I set my account up cos it's quite a while before my bank appointment to do it.

Sorry if its confusing, I'm assuming when all is done nd I have my card thru I can simply switch back to my apple ID then and change it to my bank details.
Argh even tho I'm still signed into the old apple account on the app store that I'm also for my iPod it still asks me for my password for my new account when I try to download something. All he info on the account im signed in for is my husbands not mine so why's it asking for my other password??
I'm gonna go on the notebook and see if I change it there and sync the it'll hopefully change it to his password when I buy stuff.
If not ill just use my account and not buy anything till I get my card through.
Anyone know any good free iPad games?
Ok I tested syncing and I bought a free game from itunes on the notebook which I already have on the iPod. I then synced my ipad and it got transferred over no problem. So I'm testing it now with a paid game. It said on the iTunes library I already got it so download it again for free so that's good but wether or not it'll transfer it to iPad for free is anther matter, it might not tell me it is charged for in that case.
It says on there each download is only available to dwnload once on one device but I can sync it between devices...but doesn't it's free or not. :s why's it hafta be solo confusing! I'm worried I'll get charged, even if it doesn't say.
Argh even tho I'm still signed into the old apple account on the app store that I'm also for my iPod it still asks me for my password for my new account when I try to download something. All he info on the account im signed in for is my husbands not mine so why's it asking for my other password??

Unless you download one app (or song or video) immediately after making a purchase, iTunes will always ask you for your password as a security measure. This does not mean that anything is wrong or broken.
Ok thank you.
So if I click buy on the app store on an iPod game I already bought before on that account it will download it directly onto my iPad for free, and the same goes for if I buy it on my itunes on the pc and sync it to go on my iPad?
Assuming it's a normal iPod game i mean.

And if when I download it it doesn't say I already bought it before and do I wanna download it for free again I assume I'll be charged.

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