I do not agree it is not a waste of money in fact it will pay for it self in some cases depending what you do with it. I use to purchase the courier mail newspaper (Qld Australia ) every day the cost per year was. $494. The digital version which is excellent and same content is $9.5 per month a savings of $380 per year.
The iPad, a way to save money...Hmmm.
a) What was so superior about the print version that compelled you to buy it every day rather than read the online version (cost per year, $0.00)?
b) What makes the iPad subscription version of the Mail superior to the standard online version?
c) Do you regard any of the apps that you've bought since getting the iPad a waste of money? I'm not talking about apps that you used for a while, enjoyed and then tired of. I mean apps that were never any good and that you wished you'd never bought?
Just asking.