I've been using the Pogo Sketch stylus for five months.
After seeing this thread, I decided to buy a Targus (Future Shop in Canada, 19.99) stylus. Here's what I think...
The Targus stylus is slightly shorter (approx half an inch) and thicker. I wish it was longer and narrower like the Pogo Sketch.
The tip of the Targus is better than the "foam tip" of the Pogo Sketch. It glides better on the screen.
After using the Targus for a few hours, I think I prefer the Targus, but it's not a night-and-day difference. If it had the same rubber tip, but a smaller diameter like the Pogo Sketch, it would probably be the perfect stylus (the fact that it's wide makes it difficult to be precise/accurate).
I also wish the rubber tip was a bit more rigid, a bit less flexible.