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Pondering Migration From iPad Original to the Newer iPads


iPF Novice
When the original iPad became available, I waited two months before buying it. I spent those two months on this IPF website, reading and watching all of the things those members had to say about their new iPad. When I got my tax refund, I went for broke and bought the iPad 64 Gig, Wifi+3G version. It cost me over US$1,000-->taxes and a two year Best Buy warranty that expires next June 2013. This warranty period is ironic as Best Buy will continue to support my wonderful iPad a year after Apple stopped upgrading it.

When Apple announced it would not update my iPad original to the new iOS6, I did understand. Since iOS5, my iPad had a bit of struggle keeping up with some more memory intensive applications. With such limited bulkhead, I figured that was okay. But this morning, I launched my trusted iPad and got 22 notices from 22 apps that were ready for upgrades. I read each of the notices in the AppStore, all of them were to 'take advantage of and be compatible to the new iOS6'. It took this iPad about 15 minutes just to update all those apps. While this iPad was updating its apps, I decided to go ahead and upgrade my iPad 2. They both finished at about the same time.

For the apps the I use daily on this iPad, I cannot tell if there is any difference in their performance but what I feared the most was wether or not these apps would even function on an iOS5 version iPad. I'm glad to report I have not found any app failing to launch and functioning properly.

Nevertheless, watching this iPad installing these new versions of apps-->knowing full well these upgrades were for iOS6 saddened me. Strange sentiment on my part, for sure! But this iPad has been used every single day of my life since I bought it. Even my work computers have the weekend off. This one has worked so long and done so much for me, that I AM SADDENED by this whole upgrading business and my iPad original cannot participate.

On a non-emotional level, I have come to realize that I need to move on and start the migration process to my iPad 2 and new (ugh--my original iPad was new--it established the tablet as a viable alternative to netbooks) iPad 3. I am fortunate that I have these two devices to migrate too-->you know the old saying-->'a fool and his money'. Just saying...for all of the things I do with my business, I shall migrate my business related apps, my charity related apps to the iPad 2. For my personal stuff--music, gardening, cooking, I'm migrating to the new iPad. For this iPad original, I will continue to use daily for reading downloaded books, for reading my email. I'm still going to take this iPad on trips as it has the original Map app and I do prefer it to what iOS6 has to offer (so there!)

Here am I-->sentimental Matt
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Great post, I too couldn't give up my original iPad when I upgraded but mine has become a stylish media centre working splendidly with my Apple TV's. given the minimal RAM it works really well.

The Archangel
Gabriel1 said:
Great post, I too couldn't give up my original iPad when I upgraded but mine has become a stylish media centre working splendidly with my Apple TV's. given the minimal RAM it works really well.

The Archangel

That is a good idea. My iPad has the app for my Roku TV and it works great!

There are probably more ideas around here for how to use the original iPad.

Well it's good to hear you still using the original iPad. This advice goes out to anyone within ear shot. So as long as you still find something useful don't get rid of it.

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