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Thanks. Growing up in Seattle, I developed a thing for Asian girls (especially Japanese and Korean) very early in life, and it just never went away. :) So getting stationed in Japan was a dream come true for me. We've been married two years now.

do not take this in a wrong way but you not the first guy to go semi nuts over there with a really nice looking ladys that come out of the area for me i allways love the fact is that they still dress like a women and act like a women not like the women we have in the states... to me they still make my head turn like it on a swivel at times when a really nice looking Asian lady walks by me ..
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I can agree with that. Here it is ok for a girl to dress girly, act girly, and generally be very feminine. For some reason many women in the US have adopted the idea that femininity is somehow a bad thing and it makes you a "bimbo." I like the fact that my wife will get dressed up nice even to go to the grocery store, and she doesn't like to get dirty and always wants to look her best. I know some guys aren't into that kind of stuff, but I am.

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