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I was curious about what they sprayed on them! I also heard from another source that they spray something like phosphorous or something to make them ripen while they were in the trucks! I don't know if that was good or bad but it made me wonder? I liked that they called the banana groups hands and individual ones fingers! I will never look at a bunch of bananas the same way again! :);) :) Peace begins with a smile :) - Mother Teresa. iPad 2

I don't think they spray anything on them....it's ethylene or methane gas used to ripen them.....if they were left on the tree, the bananas emit the gas themselves. But thats why they cut them green before the process begins.

We call them hands of bananas here too! ;)

Cute video.......at least he was trying! ;)
Trapped at the airport in Las Vegas alone, a man makes a music video, using his iPhone.

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Laughed at this so much when i was younger. now i actually catch myself bobbing my head to it.;)
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This video shows how dangerously hot it gets in a parked car on a summer's day, with the windows open about an inch or two:
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The next Star Wars episode seems to play on Earth as well, exactly in Germany, Frankfurt (;)), as this video shows:
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Because it's already your birthday in Austria:
This is for you, Diane. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when I found it.
Happy birthday! :)
Johanna, that was absolutely beautiful! It made me cry happy tears! And it IS my birthday HERE TOO! Oh, Johanna you really blew my socks off with that one!
The song, the singer, the words, the photography, every single piece of it is perfect! Or as leelai would say, puuurrrrrfect!
Thank you my friend! That was far beyond anything I could imagine or expect!:D this one is going on my favorites list! Thank you my friend! How did you find that? Where? U R AMAZING in everyway!
Johanna, that was absolutely beautiful! It made me cry happy tears! And it IS my birthday HERE TOO! Oh, Johanna you really blew my socks off with that one!
The song, the singer, the words, the photography, every single piece of it is perfect! Or as leelai would say, puuurrrrrfect!
Thank you my friend! That was far beyond anything I could imagine or expect!:D this one is going on my favorites list! Thank you my friend! How did you find that? Where? U R AMAZING in everyway!
I'm glad you like it. I was searching for a birthday song for you, and stumbled upon it. That's exactly what I'd like to tell you, "wrapped" in a song. :)
That is the best wrapped present I have EVER received in my life!
I just can't find the words! Thank you for sharing your magical Shangria La and letting me wallow in it for a day!
You really did blow my socks off, I've got bare feet now! :D
Talk to you later sometime! I'm pretty sure this is going to be a 24 hours awake birthday for me!
What a wonderful friend, you are a treasure! And SMART TOO! :D
My next favorite video goes with my post in " thought for the day" where I express my thoughts about emotions. A couple of days since I was there I think.

Sorry, I haven't learned how to open it in the post. I guess I was wrong, I apparently do know how! ENJOY!!!!❤️
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