Warning, sorry but pic heavy (when I show off my babies I tend to get carried away lol).
My baby girl, Star <3 (not the best pictures of her, she seems to know when I'm trying to take her picture and dodge it all she can lol!) - 12 years young

My baby boy, Quincy (Maltese) - 5 or 6 years old.
Also have....
Lily (Miniature Maltese) - Not sure age (she was a rescue), we're thinking she's about 6 - 8 years old.
And last....
Angel (Pug) - 14 - 16 years old
The following one's I sadly no longer have (the two bigger dogs have passed away sadly, I still miss them so much), the kitty.. well it's a long story... Even though they are sadly no longer around I still like showing off their pics (in memory I guess).
First, my 2nd kitty (and Star's brother) Ashes -- these two were INSEPARABLE!

- would be 12 years old.
Star and her brother together <3
Next, Bailey (technically he was my parents dog before they divorced but I considered him mine as well). - Labrador Retriever - passed away at the age of 15 years old :'(.
and next, was my other baby girl (and Bailey's sister)... Callie - Labrador Retriever, 16 years old.
Last I'll end with the picture I took of Callie on the day I had to have her put to sleep :'(, I took Quincy out to her and just holding him so he wouldn't run off, and it looked like he was hugging her goodbye :'( . (She was put to sleep due to a large tumor on her side at the age of 16 years old.
Love showing off my pets so I'll probably post better pics later.