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Prepping an older iPad as gift


iPF Noob
I got a new email address for my giftee (recipient) to start a new Apple ID for her. I'm starting to prep my iPad as gift. I'm upgrading to the new iPad. Giftee doesn't have a computer, but the main apps that she'll use (that I've already demonstrated to her) will make it easy.

There are about 110 apps that I'm currently sync'ing with iTunes on my Mac. About 95% of them are free apps. So as I count, there are actually more apps that I want to keep in the iPad and gift altogether rather than globally remove. Personally, I have no reason to remove any apps.

What's the best way to prep the iPad in my case? I've heard that "Reset All Settings" would wipe out all apps, which would be a lot of work for me to reinstall all those nice free apps.

Also, what SEQUENCE of actions should I take if I haven't yet purchased my replacement iPad? Is there a way to hold my current backup in iTunes, rename this iPad as something else, then sync it with iTunes again as a different backup?
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You can't gift her apps that you bought on another account. You will have to use that iPad on her account and download the free apps after you have tied that iPad to her account. If they are free, at least you don't have to pay, but you will have to redownload then. No other way as the apps are tied to the account, not the device. Also, check with her to see if she would rather use an existing email rather than one you got her. It could be a pain to have someone give you a new address when you have your own.

If you tie your new iPad to your old apple ID, then you can restore you backup to the new iPad.
AQ_OC said:
... the apps are tied to the account, not the device. Also, check with her to see if she would rather use an existing email rather than one you got her. It could be a pain to have someone give you a new address when you have your own.

If you tie your new iPad to your old apple ID, then you can restore you backup to the new iPad.

That right there is a total bummer. But of course it makes total sense. So it seems I'll absolutely have to go through all the downloading and installing again of those free apps if I want to gift them as a package. Situation is oddly that she currently does not have any email address at all. And although maybe just three or four apps are all she'll use right now, the other dozens upon dozens are the potential of the iPad that I hope she'll discover. OR just being readily available for visiting family who are more familiar with computers.

It seems at least I'll be okay with my own iPad upgrade — just a simple "restore from backup" in iTunes?
veryken said:
That right there is a total bummer. But of course it makes total sense. So it seems I'll absolutely have to go through all the downloading and installing again of those free apps if I want to gift them as a package. Situation is oddly that she currently does not have any email address at all. And although maybe just three or four apps are all she'll use right now, the other dozens upon dozens are the potential of the iPad that I hope she'll discover. OR just being readily available for visiting family who are more familiar with computers.

It seems at least I'll be okay with my own iPad upgrade — just a simple "restore from backup" in iTunes?

To reiterate what AQ-OC stated, the acquisition of apps is tied to the AppleID. Before removing or restoring, show her the various apps that you think she might enjoy. If they are free apps, then note the ones she wants. If they are paid apps, also note these and later you can gift the app to her and she pull in the app with her AppleID.

Then, I would suggest that you restore the iPad to factory setting and give her the opportunity to do everything you are doing so she can learn how to do it herself. Show her how to set up her iPad to her requirements, help her create her Apple account and AppleID and email address, etc.

Since iOS5 came a computer is no longer as necessary to run her iPad. However, as long as you are providing her support, you might want to do a back up to your PC's iTunes, after she completes her installation so that if there is a problem, she can start with the backup for her iPad on using your PC.

Giving her the hardware is very generous, spending time coaching her and showing her various apps and showing her how to download, would increase your gift value to the level of "priceless".
veryken said:
That right there is a total bummer. But of course it makes total sense. So it seems I'll absolutely have to go through all the downloading and installing again of those free apps if I want to gift them as a package. Situation is oddly that she currently does not have any email address at all. And although maybe just three or four apps are all she'll use right now, the other dozens upon dozens are the potential of the iPad that I hope she'll discover. OR just being readily available for visiting family who are more familiar with computers.

It seems at least I'll be okay with my own iPad upgrade — just a simple "restore from backup" in iTunes?

Here is an idea....put all those free apps in a folder, open the folder and take a screen shot. Then send those photos of those apps to her new email address. Then after you gift the device to her, set up her apple ID, and her email on that iPad. Then show her that email with the photo of the app you think she might like, then show her how to get it from the apple store. She has got to learn sooner or later, so you can use this as a teaching tool for her.

Pretty much on the restore. It will ask if you want to set it up as new or restore from backup. The new iPad will get the name of the old one, but you can change it after all your stuff is restored. If you have any PDFs in iBooks they will not be backed up. :(
AQ_OC said:

Pretty much on the restore. It will ask if you want to set it up as new or restore from backup. The new iPad will get the name of the old one, but you can change it after all your stuff is restored. If you have any PDFs in iBooks they will not be backed up. :(

Thank you (and others) for the comments. I think I should wait until I get my new iPad before departing with the old one. It seems there should be some overlap.

Also, I should mention that some comments are assuming a lot. Fact is, the recipient of my old iPad is practically illiterate (in English anyway). The apps she'll use include FaceTime and Skype for video chat. :-)

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