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Private browsing


iPF Noob
I installed iOS 7 and since then I cannot set private browsing and clear history. Can anyone tell me all the settings needed to set private browsing STEP BY STEP. What settings to have and the steps.

Thanks a lot for any help!!
I installed iOS 7 and since then I cannot set private browsing and clear history. Can anyone tell me all the settings needed to set private browsing STEP BY STEP. What settings to have and the steps. Thanks a lot for any help!!
Private browsing has to be set through Safari, the app itself:


Tap here to enable it.

Clear history can be done in Settings - Safari - Clear Cookies and Data / Clear History, or in Safari:


Tap History


Choose "Clear".
Thank you for the answer. The problem is that I don't have that "private" button in the bottom left corner.. How to have that?
Thank you for the answer. The problem is that I don't have that "private" button in the bottom left corner.. How to have that?
It's visible when there's no website opened. (My screenshot only would show my favourites.)
Now I've found the problem. I have set restrictions and if restrictions are on, I cannot private browse. I don't understand the reason of it, but if I turn off restrictions, I can private browse. Any idea?

Thank you for your help!
Thank you for the answer. The problem is that I don't have that "private" button in the bottom left corner.. How to have that?

You get the button after you tap on the Safari unibar at the top. Your current web page will disappear, the keyboard will pop up and then you will see the "Private" button on the top left of the keyboard. Like this:


Here's a screen shot of what you see if you went to clear Safari data in your Settings app:


Press those lines and accept the prompts.

Now I've found the problem. I have set restrictions and if restrictions are on, I cannot private browse. I don't understand the reason of it, but if I turn off restrictions, I can private browse. Any idea?

Thank you for your help!

I have to admit - this is odd. Because ALL my restrictions are on (as in, Restrictions is turned on and all the buttons show green). If I don't allow Safari, the whole icon disappears, so I can't even get into it.

I have to admit - this is odd. Because ALL my restrictions are on (as in, Restrictions is turned on and all the buttons show green). If I don't allow Safari, the whole icon disappears, so I can't even get into it.


Actually a green button shows that the restriction is not on. It's allowed, as the section header says. {I'm sure that's what you really meant} ;)

I can't see any setting in restrictions that 'says' it wold block private browsing; but here are my two guesses.

If Websites under Allowed Content were change to Limit Adult Content, it might block private browsing as well, under the assumption that if an adult does not want a child browsing adult content, they also don't want the child being able to hide what they do browse.

Accounts under Allowed Changes. If account changes are locked, maybe Safari's modes get caught up in that. Seems unlike, but. . .

Anyway, I have not tested any of these. Feel free to turn ON/OFF various restrictions and see what they do.

BTW, I have restriction enabled, but have not actually applied any restrictions. Yes, that is possible. I do it so no one can set the restrictions code to something I don't know, and lock me out of my own iPad's settings.

And private browsing works for me, though I rarely use it.
Thank you twerppoet, that was exactly what I meant. I turned off "adult content forbidden" restriction and now I can set private browsing. That was the solution.

Thank you again for your help!
Thank you twerppoet, that was exactly what I meant. I turned off "adult content forbidden" restriction and now I can set private browsing. That was the solution.

Thank you again for your help!

Thanks for telling us (well, okay, ME! :)) how you got your private browsing to work. I never have anything restricted on my iPad and don't use private browsing...

Another bit of knowledge to add to me brain. Thanks, again.

Thank you twerppoet, that was exactly what I meant. I turned off "adult content forbidden" restriction and now I can set private browsing. That was the solution. Thank you again for your help!
No problem. I'm glad it worked.
And thank you for letting me know what worked. Next time I won't have to guess.

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