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Problem occurred with this webpage so it was reloaded

I think the bit about this forum being not associated with Apple is a good thing to have and should be replaced in the about us section, if possible.
I have another problem, with this site only. It doesn't appear in iPhoneForums or Apple Watch Forums:
When I load a picture, because I intend to post it, and then notice it's the wrong one, I can't delete it. I get the following error:

This is happening since quite a while ago, before this forum's appearance was changed.
If I try to delete it, though, the image stays as thumbnail, and is still visible.

Am I the only one experiencing this?
I have another problem, with this site only. It doesn't appear in iPhoneForums or Apple Watch Forums:
When I load a picture, because I intend to post it, and then notice it's the wrong one, I can't delete it. I get the following error:
View attachment 68821
This is happening since quite a while ago, before this forum's appearance was changed.
If I try to delete it, though, the image stays as thumbnail, and is still visible.

Am I the only one experiencing this?
No, it's been happening to me as well, whenever I try to edit the photos in my posts.
Yes, it's exactly the same for me. They had to have changed something in the forum programming to prevent deleting photos from a post.
May I suggest it may be Safari at fault, and not necessarily your website!
I have the same 'problem - page being reloaded' from other sites, not just yours. Saying that, the common factor is that these sites also tend to be forums too, but saying that, it could be down to me, as these are the sites I most frequently visit.
May I also voice my opinion that the date replies are posted be shown at top of post, rather than bottom? It is then far easier to spot when trawling through posts. Personally, I find myselef looking at date people joined in error for date reply posted. Most forums put it at the top for a reason, so why change what isn't broke?
I think that the page reloading problem is a bug in Safari that's been there for well over a year. This makes some sites, such as this forum, frequently reload the page.

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