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Problem syncing apps back to iPad on iOS 4.2.1


iPF Noob
Hey guys

I have a strange problem syncing apps back to my iPad which I (after several unsuccessful efforts) upgraded to iOS 4.2.1 yesterday.

Well for starters when I plugged my iPad into my laptop (Windows 7) and clicked the update button in iTunes, it would start the update process but would remain in the "verifying update with Apple" stage rather long and eventually give an error saying "your firmware could not be updated" leaving my iPad in DFU mode. It didn't even give a reason as to why it couldn't update my firmware.

Anyway, I had to restore my iPad to get it running again (and this again wasn't as straightforward as it should have been). It kept "verifying restore with Apple" and almost always gave an error. Finally I somehow managed to restore my iPad but luckily I had backed up all my apps and books to iTunes before all of this.

However I didn't restore my old apps and books just yet, I tried to update my firmware once again - but it didn't work again! Even on my completely restored iPad! And I was stuck in the DFU mode once more, so I had to restore again. But this time something strange happened - after completing the restore process my iPad restarted and it was somehow running iOS 4.2.1!

Anyway, atleast I had managed to get iOS 4.2.1 on my iPad, but I still didn't have any of my old apps or books. So I plugged it into my laptop and tried to sync my old apps and books to my iPad through iTunes. The books went through just fine, but only the apps that can be obtained for free in the App Store got synced back to my iPad! The vast majority of apps (ie. the paid apps) simply didn't get synced to my iPad (iTunes just gave an error for each of these apps, not stating what exactly the problem is).

Does anyone have a clue how I can sync the paid apps from my iTunes to my iPad?! I know it should be straightforward, but each time I try it, it gives me an error.

Thanks in advance!
I was running into similar problems on the Upgrade. Found out that the upgrade process some how corrupted my iTune, that stopped recognizing my iPAD while in DFU state. Only after connecting my iPAd to another PC I was able to conclude my upgrade.
So maybe you have a similar issue.
Anyway I was told by a friend that if you bought a program and lost it on the iTune. When you try to buy it again, you get it for free, since they know you already bought it.
Thats true, I did have to use another PC to upgrade/restore.
The problem with re-buying the apps, albeit for free, is that I think I will lose all the data associated with those apps.
I need help restoring those apps from the backup, I don't understand why that isn't working!
Same issue here...except it was my paid apps that came over, while all the 'free' apps I'd downloaded from iTunes (over the last two weeks of iPad ownership)...did *not* come back to my iPad after OS upgrade. I'm just re-downloading them one-by-one now at the office...
4.2 failed twice after I downloaded it for 1/2.

It installed in about an hour on the 3rd try.

99% of my appts were not installed though.

I just went to the appt store to see if I could resinstall one of the appts and Itunes said it was already installed.

I just found the appt via the search page but it is not on one of my home pages.

I think I will call Apple soon.

Good luck,

I found the appts.

They were moved 2 pages back.

I love the way you can now bundle the appts by category, which you can rename if you want.

The system seems to be moving faster too. :)

Yea, i was stumped for a while thinking that apps had not sycnd over. turns out they were on page 4 and 5 even though there was only 3 apps on page 3! keep swipping
I know what you're talking about. When I connect my iPad to iTunes and try to sync my apps I can see on the image of my iPad on my laptop screen that there are apps on page 4. iTunes acts as if the sync is going fine, but when it reaches 100% it throws up 18 unknown errors (1 for each paid app that hasn't synced). And all of these apps are meant to be on page 4, but my iPad has just 3 pages!

It's so infuriating. I can't even buy these apps again for free in the app store. I'm clueless!
Perhaps falsely, but I was under the impression that once an app is purchased by me thru iTunes...I can 'purchase' it again at no additional cost (i.e. iTunes records transaction completed). Repurchase (for lack of better words) transaction would complete at $0.00. Not true?
That is true, if you're logged in to iTunes under the original purchasing account and select to purchase a previously bought app, you will get a popup just before download saying you already own it do you want to redownload...Just be sure it's the same exact app, ie not iPhone version when original purchase was HD version etc...

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