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Puffin Browser - anyone tried this?

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I downloaded it a few days ago with the express intention of hopefully viewing flash on sites like BBC and so forth. Nadda. No works. This means it's just another browser.

I have no problem with the site of BBC, I can view all flash frames also advertisements.
I really like Puffin browser. Works great for me and has tabs, too, which Safari does not. Also allows me to do training courses that are in the Flash format.
It works great.

Does it really? It is rare that I hear this.

For me great is a relevant term.
Considering the source and what it's trying to do I consider it to work great at what it is doing. Is it XP desktop or Android Incredible quality and fast? No
For animated games and things of that nature I find it sluggish but for looking at sites like Zagg, uploading photos to photobucket website , my bank website, etc I find it excellent.

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Well I downloaded this app as you are saying it has flash plugin.....

Well it does and most flash base sites works ok.
I really wanted this to work as I like using my pad for tv catchup.
I have the BBC iplayer app and needed something to play itv player.
Loaded the site all ok so far, selected a tv show to watch, the flash symbol show and the tv show started to load
Then it came up with a message saying it was only available in the uk, (I live in the uk)
So can someone tell why I get this message.


Tazzmon said:
Well I downloaded this app as you are saying it has flash plugin.....

Well it does and most flash base sites works ok.
I really wanted this to work as I like using my pad for tv catchup.
I have the BBC iplayer app and needed something to play itv player.
Loaded the site all ok so far, selected a tv show to watch, the flash symbol show and the tv show started to load
Then it came up with a message saying it was only available in the uk, (I live in the uk)
So can someone tell why I get this message.



Simple. Puffin is really a connection to a remote server that renders the flash website and then streams this content to the Puffin client. Because the puffin servers (which are actually what are accessing the ITV website) are not located in the UK the media they are trying to play back for you is blocked. This also affects Skyfire & iSwifter. Unless they use a server based in the UK or some kind of localised proxy, you will be unable to view territory restricted content. This also affects some BBC content as well as others.
The first flash browser that gets round this territory issue gets my £££. I need localised support so I can view football highlights on BBC. iSwifter said it was coming but the issue remains...
Choppy video and no sound @

At the following site:

Sorry, system won't let me post complete web address. Edited by Moderator ~ that is because you are not to post outside links. Read the rules ~ SP

But, try to view any "live draw" and you will get very choppy video, and no sound.

what to do?

Use your laptop for flash:)
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Puffin has made some updates which make the browser better. Almost 100 percent of the flash supported sites work with this browser. It is still a bit jumpy but it works. I have not found a better browser to view the flash than Puffin.
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