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Question on Texting Apps


iPF Noob
I see a few apps out there that allow you to text. The app provides you with a phone number or you can make your own. Can you send texts to any phone or is it restricted to apple only phones?

Do they have an app out there that turns your I pad into a text machine for all phones?
Hi, if I were you I'd search a few different terms in your title in the search function as there was a topic recently commented on discussing just this and they'd found some quite good apps that your probably looking for. Remember, search is your friend ;). Good luck.

Proud owner of a 32GB wifi iPad2 iOS5.
Thank you for your kind words. You have been most helpful.

I did do a search. It took a little longer than I wanted it too, but I found it. For those that don't feel like searching try this app below. It works very well


If you buy the "Gold" version it says you can add your own phone number. I assumed it meant if you wanted to use a phone number you already have textplus would accept it. That's not the case. You can configure your own area code but other than that they supply you with the other 7 digits

I played a trick on my wife last night. It worked well :D
Good to hear you found a good one. Searching can take time but a useful reply to a thread will often take longer, especially when it comes to wanting a not so common app as it were.

Proud owner of a 32GB wifi iPad2 iOS5.
Hello everybody... I'm new in apple world, last week I have recived my Ipad2 16 Gb only wifi(i think it's enough for a girl)...and actually I don't know what application should i take to see movies ar any video on internet..because flash player or any other usual program i can not downloaded because safari doesn't alow it..I mean.. I want to see online movies from the internet....so.... Somebody...any help for me ???? Thanks and happy new year to all :)
Welcome to the forum!
First of all. The best thing to do when you need an answer is to use the search function as you'll probably get a faster answer that way. If that fails open a new thread. Asking a new question is different thread probably won't get your question answered very fast. When it comes to playing video on the iPad and you want to stream it off a website you need to either use YouTube or Vimeo as the iPad doesn't support other players I don't think. I for want to put movies on your iPad to play from its memory use the search function and you'll quickly find what your looking for.
Remember, search is your friend.

Proud owner of a 32GB wifi iPad2 iOS5.
Thanks for answering me :) I will search more because actually I have found somebody who uses Buzz player but I'm not sure of it..so I must check forward for more detalies..
This may not apply to you, but I have an Android phone, and use the DeskSMS app to push my SMS messages into my GMail, so I can sedn and receive right through my Gmail.

I think you're looking to use a number other than your actual mobile number to avoid charges, but I thought I'd add to this discussion. If I make the jump to the iPhone I'll use iMessage soon enough...
HanganuAM said:
Hello everybody... I'm new in apple world, last week I have recived my Ipad2 16 Gb only wifi(i think it's enough for a girl)...and actually I don't know what application should i take to see movies ar any video on internet..because flash player or any other usual program i can not downloaded because safari doesn't alow it..I mean.. I want to see online movies from the internet....so.... Somebody...any help for me ???? Thanks and happy new year to all :)

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