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Questions from a soon to be ipad owner

I am getting an ipad for Christmas and I have a couple of questions. Will it come with the new update already on it? If it doesn't and I plug it into the computer will it do an update first or will it try to sync itunes? I have already put a lot of epub books, music and music videos in itunes in preparation for the ipad and I am worried that the update will wipe everything out of itunes. I do have everything stored on my computer but I added a lot of metadata and cover art to the 800 books in itunes that i don't want to lose.
Accept the update. It will allow multitasking and several other new features.
This is one of the best updates I've seen on several devices I have owned, a few people have some issues with them, some don't fully understand the upgrade others have some legitimate issues but the vast majority thinks this is a real good upgrade. Don't be discouraged by threads that say the update is bad. Read the threads and you will see that the responses to these threads are all on the positive side.

Any upgrade on any device is going to have some people dissatisfied. This is one you should not pass up on.

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