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Quicken Replacement


iPF Noob
Hello everyone! I am a new user to the ipad and would like to move most of my "electronic life" over to it from an older windows laptop. My one hangup right now is finding a substantially equal replacement for quicken. I use quicken to keep multiple checking accounts in balance and manage bill reminders. Nothing too fancy, but I am having difficulty finding an adequate replacement and thought I'd ask here what others are using, if you're using the ipad for a desktop replacement.

Here's what I've tried:

Mint: Great app, almost there, but fatal flaw; no ending balance in the ipad, only bank current. (Funny, ending is available on the phone and desktop/web version, but not ipad "by design" according to them). Out...

Pageone: Another near close one, fatal flaw, cannot enter manual transactions so if it doesn't show as pending with your bank, you have to wait until it shows up to have an accurate balance. Can't do this, some billers only accept routing/account numbers so I cannot keep an accurate ending balance.

iBank: Trying this now. Bill reminder feature sucks. Just a running reminder list, no way to click a bill to show it as paid and enter it into the transaction register.

Moneywiz: Also almost there, fatal flaw, very poor handling of reconciling to online bank file download, way too easy to throw off the ending balance and way to difficult to find where the app made a double entry. Unreliable in this regard.

So, asking folks here for some ideas, otherwise I might have to say attached to quicken and I'd rather not. I am looking for:

Ability to enter manual transactions
current and ending balance
bill reminders where I can tap and show as paid, bonus would be adding payment to register
hook into my bank either by screen scrape, data aggregator or acceptance of qfx or qif file import from there website allowing reconciliation without creating duplicates, some sort of prompt a transaction is already present or a new transaction in the d/l has been recognized.

I've been using Budget Envelope. Not what you want, I'm sure. It's just a way to budget and track/limit spending per budget item. I've been thinking of moving over to Mint, because it looks like it will do this and a lot more; but I'm hesitant because I'm not wanting to make things more complicated than necessary.

So why am I posting?

One, to let you know you've been heard. ;)

Two, to make sure I've subscribed to the thread and find out what you end up choosing, and why.

Good luck.
Thanks, appreciate it! I've scoured, not a ton of luck. Just when I get close, one flaw crops up I can't get passed. I really dislike the lack of an automatic refund period too. At least google gave you 15 minutes.

Hopefully someone throws out something new!
Some times one must understand the iPad does not do every thing. I would continue your research as you may find an answer Accounting is special area Sorry I cannot be more help.
Thanks. Doesn't have bill reminders. Gravitating back and forth between iBank and Moneywiz. Supposedly iBank 2.x this year will make it the complete package.
May not entirely be what you are looking for but have a look at 'Account Tracker'.
There is a free version which allows you to carry out 21 transactions before requiring the paid version.

I find it excellent for recurring transactions where you can look ahead up to a year in advance.

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