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Range of Airport Express. Novice Here! Help!

Update: I went to the Apple store this morning and the guy talked me into buying the Airport Extreme. I have about 2200-2400 sq. ft. of useable space. He showed me the comparison put out by Apple of the Express vs the Extreme, and it looked like the Extreme would be best for my house. Looks to be as easy to set up as the Express, just bigger and more powerful. If folks come over, I won't have to worry about their signal strength fading a bit with the Extreme.

All ready for the iPad2 to make its way here Thursday. So I'll set up the Extreme on Wednesday. :)
Good choice. Our Airport Extreme has been flawless for a couple of years now and has very good coverage all over our two-story house, both inside and out. Enjoy!

Thanks, Rich!

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