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Reading in bed - Needing a Stand

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Al Rogers, that sleep number bed is a hilarious idea. I love it. However I could go to a 64 GB iPad and give this one to my girlfriend if I was gonna spend that much. Now if I didn't like the iPad so much I'd go the sleep number route, but if I didn't like the iPad I guess I wouldn't need it.

The Ikea is a neat concept too
iPad Cases and Stands

I own a company called My Green Monkey Designs. We make cases of iPad from eco-friendly, recycled materials. I also found I really needed a stand for my iPad so I designed a GREAT adjustable stand. Please check out my website at: MyGreenMonkeyDesigns.etsy.com
The trick about watching movies on your iPad in bed is that you need something that raises the iPad up into your natural field of view and lets you angle the screen so that it is perpendicular to your line of sight. You can always take a desktop stand and lie on your side to watch, but this isn't really a very good option. If you are reclined, you need a stand that positions the iPad high in front of you.
iPad pillow

Check out the iPad pillow at gadgetfreeway.com. I love mine, it's great for in bed, on the couch or on the plane

This is perfect to read in bed and particularly useful to someone stuck there.
Re: ipad stand

@ Sunshine Thanks for the link. I have been looking for something that could be an all in one. I travel allot and I hate the stand I have been using. I saw it on a blog or something but I could not find it after that & I could not remember what blog. I paid $31 w/ shipping so its pretty cheap too. Anyhow, thanks I owe you one! Glad I found this forum!

I did check the others too and they look pretty good. My bad habit is I fall asleep watching movies on my ipad & I think at least this one is soft, almost looks like a bean bag or something. I'll come back and let you know what I think when I get it. :)

@ iVan that is really cool! Very creative:)
Sorry I took so long in posting my opinion on the pillow for the ipad. I have been so busy I'd forgotten all about it until today. I did order one from gadget freeway. I really like it. It is similar to a bean type pillow so it is perfect for a bed type stand. I took it cross country with me and it was excellent for the plane as well. It does not fall over as my other one tended to do. There are little loops that are on it so I attached a strap from one of my bags and used it to carry my ipad. Ingenious little accessory, many thanks to those who shared it!:o
I have the Stable iPad stand from thoughtout.biz. It's very solid and quality. Pretty expensive, but its awesome and makes my iPad look like a little iMac.
$55.90 for a pillow? That is too much. I saw an iPad pillow made for the iPad called the ePillow for iPad and it was only $29.95.
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