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Really need HELP! When exactly should I update my iOS?

Hey guys, im having trouble updating my iPad's iOS. It is already jailbroken successfully but the iOS version is 3.2.1 , so what im tryin to do is to update and jailbreak it again. I have many different questions. Firstly, everytime i try to update, for instance at the moment, the latest iOS available is 4.3 . And when I check em jailbreak sites they say i shouldnt update past 4.2.1 since the jailbreak hasnt been made yet. This happens everytime i wanna jailbreak, i.e. The jailbreaks available are for iOSs that i cant reach at, for example the 4.2.1, which is jailbreakable but I can only upgrade to iOS 4.3... so my question is, when should I update? I do not wanna be in a period where my ipad isnt jailbroken cuz i study with my ipad andi have many useful applications which ive obtained via jailbreakin the ipad.
The 2nd question is, can I store my apps in a pc, update/restore my iOS therefore losin the apps, and once ive jailbroken the updated ios, install them apps again?
The 3rd question is, which jailbreak website/program should I use? I used jailbreakme last time and it was a cakewalk to jailbreak with it. I want one that is easy to operate, and trustworthy!
The last question is, will the WiFi performance really improve from iOS 3.2.1 to 4.X? I can see people accessin WiFi hotspots via their laptops that I just cant detect.
Thanks alot in advance! I know ive asked lots o question, im just a newbie!:D Cheers :)
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1). U are late on trying to get 4.2.1. You definitely won't be able to get it from apple servers. U may be able to find that OS online. That's the last iOS avai. At the moment with an untethered jailbreak. That tool to use for that is Greenpoison RC6. If u find that iOS , use that tool. Just go to greepoison website to download it for Mac/PC/Linux. For me, I always wait to update until an untethered jailbreak is avai. For that iOS. iOS 4.3 is the latest now and only has a tethered jailbreak method. Not as simple as Jealbreakme. I loved that tool. Made it sooo simple n easy but that's ancient now. Lol I'll explain jail breaking iOS 4.3 in third answer. So it's really up to u when to update or whther u want a tethered or untethers jailbreak. Tethered jailbreaks are a hassle as every time device is rebooted, u have to be in a jailbroken state, meaning have to use PC. Untethered the best, like the way jailbreak me did. One time and ur good to go. You can reboot as many times as u want n still be jail broken, like I am on 4.2.1 using GreenPoison RC6.
2)you can only back up/restore app store apps with iTunes. It will not back up ur jailbreak stuff. Also be careful, cuz if u update iOS, jailbreak won't be there BUT ur jailbreak data from apps still there n won't be accessible therefore still using up that memory space. When u do jailbreak after update, I'd use Ifiles to go in there n delete duplicate files. I found out jailbreak does this if u update iOS thn rejailbreak again. It'll make dup. Files/folders. There is an app or method thru cydia to backup ur jailbreak apps but not sure of the details. Easiest way I think is just to write down the jailbreak apps u have and after u update and rejailbreak, just refer to ur list when reinstalling apps from cydia.
3) if u wanna go up to 4.3 and use a tethered jailbreak, here is a link to the details on windows version, Snowbreeze. Details the process and what to do and what u need.
Jailbreak 4.3 on Windows iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad, iPod touch Using Sn0wbreeze 2.3 [Guide] | Redmond Pie
If u want the Mac version, u need the Pwnage tool. I don't have a link for that. Just google it and hits should come up.
Now, if u do find iOS 4.2.1 on the web and install it, u need to use Greenpoison tool. Just go to Greenpoison,com to download either the Windows/Mac version of the tool. The most recent update tool is RC6.1 I believe. I'm on Rc6 and felt no need to update to latest one. Only fixed iBooks issue.
Remember, untethered avai. For 4.2.1 and only tethered avai. For 4.3 at the moment. Hackers said they probaly won't release untethered for 4.3 as apple plans to release 4.3.1 very shortly that closes up some exploits.
Hope this helps ya ;-)
Wow thank u very much for the reply, it certainly did help alot! :) So I'll just wait for 4.3.1 and its jailbreakin tool to come out n proceed. The reason I tried having my apps back was cuz I have some save data in games I do not want to lose. But its ok. Unfortunately my PC isnt working, software problems, gotta format. Well i guess waitin for 4.3.1 jailbreak will buy me some time to recover my dead pc lol.
Wow thank u very much for the reply, it certainly did help alot! :) So I'll just wait for 4.3.1 and its jailbreakin tool to come out n proceed. The reason I tried having my apps back was cuz I have some save data in games I do not want to lose. But its ok. Unfortunately my PC isnt working, software problems, gotta format. Well i guess waitin for 4.3.1 jailbreak will buy me some time to recover my dead pc lol.

No problem!

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