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Remote Access App's!!

Wyse Pocket Cloud does both VNC and Windows RDP in one app. You just tell it which to use when you are setting up the connection. It also supports VMware, but I'm not sure what all that is about. The latest update says it supports video out on the iPhone4 - not sure if that applies to the iPad as well though. Maybe when the Nov update comes out...

Wyse has also added a "Premium" version that does media streaming and files system access without a desktop connection to a remote server. I have no need for that, but its a cool concept.

I haven't tried iTap, but if it does the same stuff and is cheaper, that sounds like a deal. The gestures look pretty powerful. Can it do mouse hover?
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I use iTAP, because I do ot want to use a cloud service. I just SSL VPN via Junos Pulse right to my network, if off property. If on property I just use the local wireless network. Seems to work very nicely, mainly because it has the special windows keys, esc, cntl, alt.

Some of the other RDP clients that are paid, also have the special keys.
I use iTAP, because I do ot want to use a cloud service. I just SSL VPN via Junos Pulse right to my network, if off property. If on property I just use the local wireless network. Seems to work very nicely, mainly because it has the special windows keys, esc, cntl, alt.

Some of the other RDP clients that are paid, also have the special keys.

Despite the confusing name, Wyse Pocket Cloud has nothing to do with any kind of "cloud" service. Their company offers some real cloud products and services, but this is just a remote desktop app. I guess if you have your own private cloud, you could use it to access machines in it (maybe thats the VMware part), but the word "cloud" really doesn't make sense for this app.

First post, I have had my iPad about a month, this is my first Apple product (hard to believe isn't it), I have 5 PC's in the house and I am the "IT" guy for them. I D/L the TeamViewer App and am playing around with it but I looked at iTap and it seems to me to be a little nicer so I was thinking of switching but I have two questions. First I am running iOS 3.2.2 on my iPad and the information on the App Store leads me to believe that there is a problem if you don't have 3.0 or 3.1 or am I misreading the warning about upgrading? Second one of the PC's is running Win 7 Home Premium and this is apparently an issue (gotta love M$) is there any other way besides purchasing some additional software to get this to function on that machine too? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


BTW: Although this is my fist Apple product it won't be my last, I have drunk the Kool-Aid, I am officially hooked. :D
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First post, I have had my iPad about a month, this is my first Apple product (hard to believe isn't it), I have 5 PC's in the house and I am the "IT" guy for them. I D/L the TeamViewer App and am playing around with it but I looked at iTap and it seems to me to be a little nicer so I was thinking of switching but I have two questions. First I am running iOS 3.2.2 on my iPad and the information on the App Store leads me to believe that there is a problem if you don't have 3.0 or 3.1 or am I misreading the warning about upgrading? Second one of the PC's is running Win 7 Home Premium and this is apparently an issue (gotta love M$) is there any other way besides purchasing some additional software to get this to function on that machine too? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


BTW: Although this is my fist Apple product it won't be my last, I have drunk the Kool-Aid, I am officially hooked. :D
iTap RDP works fine on iPad in 3.2.2 (and 4.2 beta 2, havn't tested it with beta 3 yet).

As far as Win 7 home premium that doesn't allow RDP connections into it. Nothing iTap RDP can do about that. But if you are computer savvy Win 7 HP can be patched to allow it to work as RDP server.

Second one of the PC's is running Win 7 Home Premium and this is apparently an issue (gotta love M$) is there any other way besides purchasing some additional software to get this to function on that machine too? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
RDP server is one of the "features" of the Pro release. You can upgrade in place to Pro or Ultimate to make that work. I think there is something in the start menu or control panel to upgrade (with a fee of course). That's the official, legal route anyway. It doesn't require a reinstall or anything like that.

You can also install VNC on that machine and remote in using VNC protocol instead of MS Remote Desktop protocol. Wyse and iTap can do both.
Thanks for the prompt replies guys. Tinman, after a little searching I found the patch you were talking about, I will do a little more research but that looks like it will probably do the trick. Pallentx Two of my other machines are on W7 Pro and two on XP Pro, at this time I really don't want to upgrade the W7 HP machine, also in looking on the App Store it appears that there are two separate versions of iTap for RDP and VNC, unless I don't understand something, I would rather not have to use two Apps to do the job. Thanks again guys.

regarding Wyse Pocket Cloud

if you plan on using RDP, does anything need to be installed on the PC?

also, does sound come through in an RDP?

Ive been using RDP (the app) and the only downfall is no sound
Thanks for the prompt replies guys. Tinman, after a little searching I found the patch you were talking about, I will do a little more research but that looks like it will probably do the trick. Pallentx Two of my other machines are on W7 Pro and two on XP Pro, at this time I really don't want to upgrade the W7 HP machine, also in looking on the App Store it appears that there are two separate versions of iTap for RDP and VNC, unless I don't understand something, I would rather not have to use two Apps to do the job. Thanks again guys.

Yes iTap VNC is a completely different app.

I have another app for VNC but if I have a choice between RDP and VNC I'm going with RDP almost every time.

Wyse does both RDP and VNC in one app. For RDP, the computer you are connecting to has to be a "Pro" version of Windows - nothing else is required. For RDP connections there are some Performance options. You can turn sound off, or you can control how much bandwith is devoted to audio. If you want high quality sound and perhaps sacrifice screen refresh rate, you can do that. Or if you dont care about sound you can have it compress more or turn it off. You can also turn on or off wallpaper, window dragging, menu animation, themes, and high quality fonts.

Wyse does have an optional component you can install on your machine that makes it auto-discover (no setup required). It also allows the thin browser that basically sends the remote machine's Internet Explorer to your iPad full screen with multitouch pan and zoom. The auto discovery part has been kind of flaky though. I have to restart the service periodically. I think they have an update though that hopefully fixes that.
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I hope this is where I need to ask this question. I have VNC Viewer. I really like it, it was inexpensive, seems to be easy to use and learn so far and is not dependent on cloud access. Like others, the only downfall is that the sound will play through my laptop as if I were really on my laptop but not through my ipad. Is there an easy an/or inexpensive way to get the sound from my laptop to my ipad. Thank you.
There are no remote apps that depend on "cloud access". Wyse Pocket Cloud is poorly named and has nothing to do with "cloud" anything as far as I can tell. "Cloud" has become a buzzword that gets attached to everything these days.

Wyse will do it, but if audio is all you need, there are probably cheaper options.
There are no remote apps that depend on "cloud access". Wyse Pocket Cloud is poorly named and has nothing to do with "cloud" anything as far as I can tell. "Cloud" has become a buzzword that gets attached to everything these days.

Wyse will do it, but if audio is all you need, there are probably cheaper options.
I really have to laugh at the name they came up with. I actually didn't consider Wyse because of that name--it really does imply cloud is involved which turned me right off. What the heck were they thinking?
Yeah, its terrible. Wyse does sell a lot of actual cloud computing equipment and services. I guess their thinking was that this would give you access to the things you have put in your private cloud you built with their products. That's just one specific use though, the iPad app is way more general than than. It just lets you remote into a system - that system can be a virtual system in a cloud or a real, physical system anywhere, it doesnt matter.

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