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Remote desktop applications

I would suggest a little more research not Log Me In Ignition. There is no monthly fee for access from the IPad. I know, the site talks about a trial, and then after 30 days a monthly fee. But in reality, by buying Log Me In Ignition (what you see on the app store), you get a 30 day trial of a "pro" type service that you can access a PC or Mac from another PC. THIS aspect is what goes away after 30 days, NOT the IPad part. (trust me, I bought and I'm past the 30 days, no issues accessing from my Ipad2). This is poorly explained in the Log Me In website - I have no idea why - but if you dig a bit in their FAQ section, you can confirm my claims. it works reliable and I'd recommend it highly.
I would suggest a little more research not Log Me In Ignition. There is no monthly fee for access from the IPad. I know, the site talks about a trial, and then after 30 days a monthly fee. But in reality, by buying Log Me In Ignition (what you see on the app store), you get a 30 day trial of a "pro" type service that you can access a PC or Mac from another PC. THIS aspect is what goes away after 30 days, NOT the IPad part. (trust me, I bought and I'm past the 30 days, no issues accessing from my Ipad2). This is poorly explained in the Log Me In website - I have no idea why - but if you dig a bit in their FAQ section, you can confirm my claims. it works reliable and I'd recommend it highly.

so i wont have to pay for anything? and what features does the "pro" type service include?
hey guys, so im also looking for a good RDP app for the ipad that works well with mac, ive looked into splashtop and it seems like it will work right, i will be using it in my apartment over wifi as well as over the internet (wifi on other networks, possible 3g using android phone in the future). i wanted to see what you all recommend, i wont do logmein because of the monthly/yearly cost...

thanks much


Team Viewer currently works away from home network on both Android and Apple platforms and is free.
Splashtop doesn't work away from home on Android yet and no time table for when it will.

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You can listen iTunes library (and not only) over the wifi connection with the help of WiFi2HiFi app. It is paid, but not expensive (believe several $).
I got Teamviewer working and it works great with no glitches away from my network and it's free! Thanks Mountainbikemark!

Glad to help.
I use Splashtop on my Ipad and Team Viewer on my phone when away from the house .

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This post was Tapatalk approved. Sent from an Incredible phone
I had purchased Itap at the recommendation of an iPad user and kept getting no TCP connection when I was away from my network. It works when home on network. Anything I should try?
I had purchased Itap at the recommendation of an iPad user and kept getting no TCP connection when I was away from my network. It works when home on network. Anything I should try?
If it works at home and not while away you probably need to configure your router to forward port 3389 to the local PC. You would then have a different iTap RDP connection that uses your router's public IP address instead of the local IP address.

If your router's public IP address is susceptible to changing then you can get a dyndsn account and a URL to use instead of IP. You would setup iTap to use that URL. My router has a place for dyndns so if its IP address changes it updates dyndns. So my URL will alway have the most up to date IP of my router.

This might not make sense right now but hopefully is enough to point you in the right direction on how to proceed.

desktop connection apps

So many to choose from. I'm tossing up between
1.Desktop Connect Pro
3.Team Viewer
4.Log Me In Ignition
I have windows 7 on my 3 desktops and on 3 laptops,
and an ipad2.
Any suggestions on the above with what i have
+1 for splashtop very easy...when outside home wifi range all you need is gmail logged in under splastop settings on ipad and pc and it connects you like magic. Only issue I see you may need a different gmail account for each pc/laptop.

In conjuction with dropbox...even more conveeeeeeeeenient.
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I have used the following:-

Wise PocketCloud

In my opinion between the two, I have found that JumpDesktop provides better control over mouse movements, especially left mouse click, drag and resize.
ITap vs. splash top. I am trying to decide which app to to purchase and deploy. I run Vista on my laptop and my desktop. Will be upgrading to windows 7 soon. Any thought pro and con between the two apps. Any info would be most appreciated
icebun said:
I have used the following:-

Wise PocketCloud

In my opinion between the two, I have found that JumpDesktop provides better control over mouse movements, especially left mouse click, drag and resize.

I agree. Keep going back to Jump Desktop after trying many other RDP clients. Can't vouch for its use with VNC or the Mac.

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