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Remote Desktop for iPad 2 Suggestions


iPF Noob
I have tried several remote desktop apps. They all require me to have my computer on and their application open in order for my iPad to connect to it. Is there any app where my home computer can be off yet I can access it from my iPad? Thanks guys!
iTap RDP if u want access over LAN.

Teamviwer if over Internet.

Your comp has to be on, but can be in login screen. If you want to turn it on remotely that's done via BIOS. Allow it to power on LAN event, then in router setup NAT to pass to it. You want to ping your router at specific port, that will forward pockets to your comp, and power it on. You could also use dyndns to give it an alias, alas lee.dyndns.org.
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Server has to be on for those profs, but there is a way to bring your comp from cold coma. [ame=http://www.google.ru/search?source=ig&hl=ru&rlz=&q=Make+computer+power+on+lan&btnG=Поиск+в+Google&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=]Make computer power on lan -[/ame]

We talking here about enterprise level abilities. You'd need skill of a system admin to implement it all.

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