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Removing Jailbreak

hi guys ,,,
I have problem in my i-phone 4. I want to update my iPhone but the problem is I can't make restore.

Actually, I made jillbreak to my iPhone

please, help me
hi guys ,,,
I have problem in my i-phone 4. I want to update my iPhone but the problem is I can't make restore.

Actually, I made jillbreak to my iPhone

please, help me

If you have a jailbroken phone you can only restore it through iTunes if you first put it into DFU mode. Here is a paste of the instruction on how to do this on the iPad from one of our sticky threads, but it also works on iPhone...
You now need to get the device into Device Firmware Update (DFU) Mode. This is important. IOS cannot be downgraded unless the iPad is in DFU mode. Normal recovery mode will not cut it.

In order to put your device into DFU mode you must press the "home" and "power" buttons together for EXACTLY 10 seconds at which point you must release "power" but continue to hold "home". After about 15 seconds, the device will enter DFU mode. There is no way to tell from the screen that this has happened as it will remain black. If you see the Apple logo you got the timing wrong. You can just try again until you get it right. It is perfectly normal for the iPad to reset at the 7 second mark. Do not be put off by this. The timing of your button release must be exactly 10 seconds. It is best not to even look at the screen as this will only put you off. You may like to try using your watch to get the timing precise.

If everything went to plan, iTunes should now recognise a device in DFU mode and prompt you to restore it. It may take a few seconds for Windows to install DFU mode drivers if this is the first time you have used it. DO NOT interrupt the process. Otherwise iTunes will never recognise the device and you'll have to do a bit of maintenance in the control panel to get things working.

Hope that helps. Since you are looking for iPhone support you might like to try our sister site for device specific assistance @ iphoneforums.net

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