RIM has today fired a bold shot across Apple’s bows in the tablet wars with the release of a video directly comparing the browser on its forthcoming BlackBerry PlayBook with that of the iPad. Maximum PC, reporting on the story, says that if the video is anything to go by (bearing in mind it does come from RIM, so it is a bit biased!), the iPad may have “met its matchâ€, at least as far as its browsing experience is concerned. I'm not so sure.
The comparison between the two shows the PlayBook loading pages faster than the iPad, but it’s hard to say how accurate the video is when the device isn’t even on the market yet, and given that the iPad usually loads web pages very quickly anyway, I can’t see there being much difference between the two once they’re both released. A comparison between a retail-available iPad’s browser and a retail-available PlayBook’s browser would surely be more convincing. There is one area, of course, where the iPad really does get beaten by the PlayBook, and that’s in loading Flash content, which the iPad can’t do at all due to Apple’s policy of banning Flash from all iOS devices. RIM is clearly hammering this home as a big selling point for the PlayBook, so it will be interesting to see what sort of reply Apple comes back with, if any! Also, has RIM made a mistake by showing the PlayBook and iPad side-by-side and inadvertently highlighting how much smaller the PlayBook’s screen is in comparison with the iPad’s, and especially how the PlayBook’s keyboard takes up almost all of the screen space?
Source: MaximumPC