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Safari history/cache/cookies cleared - but are Safari windows closed?


iPF Noob
I'm having a "sinking feeling" moment!

I was browsing some employment websites some weeks back on my iPad2.
Today, my boss wanted to borrow my iPad for a business trip, so I merrily just went into settings and cleared the history, cache and cookies and thought this would clear everything Safari-related.
The iPad is now out of my hands and I'm starting to worry that my actions will not have actually closed the last Safari windows I had open.

Can someone please put me out of my misery and let me know whether the first thing he'll see when he opens Safari is 4 or 5 windows of me looking at other jobs? As if that wasn't awkward enough, I'm now just getting the first seeds of doubt as to whether anything of a more "Adult" nature has ever been opened in Safari and not closed - that would just be THE worst imaginable scenario.:o
As he'll be visiting suppliers and no doubt using the iPad in their presence...

The answer I want to hear is "Yes, clearing the history also closes any Safari windows that were open" but I have a really horrible feeling this is not the case.

Either way, please let me know. I might need to start looking at new jobs for real!
Thanks for the reply!

Safari was exited (closed by the push button and the iPad left with just the desktop showing) before I went into settings to do the clears.
Does this mean I'm home and dry, or am I still up a certain creek without a paddle?
is the push button the round button at the bottom? oh no. nonononono....

that push button is the home button. pressing it once brings you to the "desktop" but the apps continue to run in the background. pressing it twice brings up the icons of those apps, only then will you be able to choose which ones you want to close/exit.

i hope you went through those motions...
If you only returned to the home screen and did not actually stop Safari (press the home button twice, then press and hold the Safari App icon until it jiggles and then touch the circled "X" in the upper left-hand corner of the app), the pages you visited will still be there even though you cleared the history, cache, etc.

I don't know about UK employment laws, but if an employee was let go for something like that in the U.S. they (the employee) would have a pretty solid wrongful termination case.

Perhaps your boss will never open it? Or if he/she does they'll worry that they're about to lose their most valuable employee and offer you a nice raise when they return?

Ultimately you are human and (hopefully) so are they so if you've been kind enough to lend them your expensive, personal device "gratis" I should think they'd understand and let it slide.

Think positive! :)
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On the plus side: I've learnt something new today. What I've always thought of as the only means of closing an app is clearly just suspending the app.

On the negative side: I shall have to spend the remainder of today quietly saying expletive words to myself.

I'm pretty sure I've exaggerated the seriousness of this and the phrase "termination" isn't really an option. Its more likely that there will be a somewhat uncomfortable moment when my iPad is handed back. Awkwardly, I need to call him soon and remind him to link the iPad to a wireless network if he can, otherwise he'll be piling up hefty bills on my personal 3G data plan.

Thanks for the heads-up.
When you talk to him you could casually mention that you forgot to close some apps and walk him through it...saying that when he does the iPad will run faster (which it might). If he hasn't opened Safari you're golden! :)
Blushes saved!

He popped in to the office before he jetted off this morning and I took it upon myself to explain how the on/off button works, so it doesn't cause a problem when flying abroad. I double checked the browser afterwards and there are zero windows open within it. Still no idea for sure if there was or was not anything incriminating on the browser. At least I'm pretty sure my attempts to compare my salary with similar jobs (or worse!) isn't going to randomly appear when he opens the iPad in front of business partners.

I think I'll sleep a little easier this evening!

By the way, this forum has been a great find for me. I've checked out some of the other "How to" threads and comments on IOS 5 - handy stuff. The concept that all of the apps running are not closed, merely suspended (when returning to the home screen) might also explain some slow running from time to time.

Blushes saved!

He popped in to the office before he jetted off this morning and I took it upon myself to explain how the on/off button works, so it doesn't cause a problem when flying abroad. I double checked the browser afterwards and there are zero windows open within it. Still no idea for sure if there was or was not anything incriminating on the browser. At least I'm pretty sure my attempts to compare my salary with similar jobs (or worse!) isn't going to randomly appear when he opens the iPad in front of business partners.

I think I'll sleep a little easier this evening!

By the way, this forum has been a great find for me. I've checked out some of the other "How to" threads and comments on IOS 5 - handy stuff. The concept that all of the apps running are not closed, merely suspended (when returning to the home screen) might also explain some slow running from time to time.

All I can say is....PHEW!! :)

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