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Samsung Galaxy tab worth buy?

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iPF Noob
Apple iPad or Samsung Galaxy tab ? I have read lot of reviews about Apple iPad ans it's seems good.. any idea or suggestion? I am suppose to buy and doing research in net for last couple of days!!! suggest a good one and share your experience as well
The Galaxy is sized as a big SmartPhone
The iPAD is sized as a small Computer.

So you decide if you want something that is more like a phone or more like a Computer.
I would say no, the Galaxy Tab is overpriced for what it is. If you MUST buy something right now, buy the iPad. But if you can wait a few months for more Android tablets to be released in the beginning of the year, you will be much better off. Android 3.0 is coming soon and will make the Android tablets much better. That's what I'm waiting for.
If they bring it down to $250 then I would consider it. I mean the NookColor will be getting Froyo and some type of market for applications so Samsung needs to take notice.
iPad now but if you're prepared to wait there will be better competition in the next couple of months, to say nothing of the iPad2 sometime around April if we're lucky.
It all depends on your priorities, but most will agree that 90% of the time, the iPad is the better option if your decision is now. Like all consumer electronics, bigger and better is just around the corner. The only thing you can ever be sure of is that you will lust for something else later.
The Galaxy tab is getting great reviews, and looks very well designed. I like the iPads size for mags I read having the feel of a real page size. Also for me with the Evo 4G at 4.3" the Tab just doesnt seem big enough.

If you get one, let us know what you think.
The Galaxy tab is getting great reviews, and looks very well designed. I like the iPads size for mags I read having the feel of a real page size. Also for me with the Evo 4G at 4.3" the Tab just doesnt seem big enough.

If you get one, let us know what you think.

I'm currently with T-Mobile and after playing with one in the store I can see that it's a great device (I also gave it the Angry Birds test).

The killer for me is the price and there is no way I would go on contract to get a lower price.
Agreed with above. Only way to get a lower price is to be locked into a 3G contract. When the wifi only ones come out, it should be interesting. I'm someone who uses 3G for my iPhone only and does not need the broadband access for iPad. But even if I did want to use 3G, I would not want to be locked into a 2 year contract. iPad give you the choice at least for people who want the 3G on an as you want to pay basis. When I saw the price on an unsubsidized Galaxy Tab, I was like, no way am I paying $650 for 3G I won't use especially with all the iOS apps I already have. (now at like 140)
I think the primary reason the Tab is selling so well is because people like it's portability. I also suspect lots of Android fans are buying it as the first really good tablet on that platform. But price is a problem, if they can get that down it will do even better.
Exactly. The price point is a factor. The iPad is not exactly the height of inexpensive either, but the cost for mine would have been $150 more for the Galaxy to get the addition of a service I wouldn't use on it. And the fact that I am invested in iOS apps too was a huge factor. I saw the Galaxy at Best Buy and it sure does seem like a nice device, though I did not handle it enough to judge performance. But people do seem happy with it, and it is definitely more portable, though for me, I like the larger iPad screen for web browsing,e-mail, and note taking, so iPad is the choice for those reasons.
Welcome and nothing like starting out with such a Hot topic. I'll tell you a few of my reasons for the iPad. The first is iTunes, what other tablet has such a powerful engine to sync with. I love the size, why would I want something smaller? Looks great, it's not a toy. I've had mine for about 8 months and it's going strong everyday. I don't see where anything can match up with the iPad. Good Luck.
Wow! You actually like iTunes? I didn't think anyone actually liked it it's just one of those things that you have to deal with.
The OP asked his question a month ago and thus far, it has been his one and only post! Since that was also the date of his last activity, I honestly believe he is no longer interested.

I also agree with those who say we already have enough "iPad killer" threads.

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