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Screen Bleeding Problem - Question


iPF Noob
After lots of research, I decided to go for the iPad 2, but don't want to purchase one until the bleeding screen issue is resolved. Seems like the replacements people have received are just as likely to have this problem as the unit they are returning.

My question is how do we know when this issue is resolved and Apple begins shipping "new and improved" units? I talked to a couple people at Apple "central" yesterday and they said "what bleeding screen issue?" I suggested they do a web search or look at any of the iPad forums to see what I'm referring to (as if they weren't well aware of the problem already!).

So, how do we know when the problem is solved? Is there a source (a confidential insider) out there that can let is know? I don't get the impression that Apple is going to make any grand announcement and I hate buying an iPad 2 now and then going through the return process (it's a 40 minute round trip to the nearest Apple store).
Good to hear from you. You’ll find a whole bunch of iPad enthusiasts in this Forum who are only too willing to help other iPad owners and to hear of their experiences. Don’t be afraid to post any questions you may have or use the ‘Search’ button near the top of the Forum web page. I usually find I discover one new interesting and useful piece of information about my iPad every day - and often not even what I was looking for!!

I saw your other post too about the screen bleeding issue. It's certainly the case that Apple are aware of this issue and are working to resolve it. At present they have an 'ask no questions' policy for exchanging units that have this problem - see the News section of the Forum and Maura's report there on this issue. Apple rarely publicly acknowledge problems such as this so it may be difficult to determine when the issue will be resolved. It's certainly the case that by no means do all units suffer from this problem

Hope to hear from you soon with your thoughts about the iPad.

Have fun and enjoy your iPad

If you don’t already have it you can download a copy of the iPad manual for free.

Apple - Support - Manuals

Please read the rules too!!


I just noticed the light bleed while running an iPhone scale App, from various points around my iPad. I also had to put the brightness all the way up to max. But that was about the only time I noticed. I'm going to give it 30 days and see if it was the glue issue the iPhone 4 had. As far as I know my iPad is only about 9 days out of the factory. Shipped on the 31st.
By the way, the bleeding on my GFs iPad 2 is much less than my iPad 1. Somehow. Think this is a storm in a teacup. That being said, I hope my order is perfect ;)
"Official" site poll time then?

First poll: does you iPad have light bleed (with instructions on how to check)
Second Poll: number of bleed points (and define what constitutes a point for people who have strips of bleed)
Third: intensity (measurement of how far it extends or maybe the level of brightness it becomes visible at)
I received my new Black 64gb WiFi only iPad2 yesterday. To say I was apprehensive about getting one with all the Light Bleed issues is an understatement. I am anal about things, always have been. So I knew if I got one that was bad, it would be going back in a heartbeat.

I opened it, and took it in a dark room and turned it on. It had some light bleed, not as horrible as I see others experiencing.

I took my iPad 1 and did a comparison, it had what I thought was some too, but not blotches like I see in your photos, more a very faint glow near the bezel if I hold it at different angles, but not looking straight on.

Cranked the brightness up to FULL MAX on both, and yes, the iPad 2 had very faint areas of bleed, maybe 4 spots. Again, I never use the device like this.

So I figure I will be the guinea pig, and try the idea I have had all along.

1. I picked the brightest wallpaper on the device.
2. I set it to not auto lock.
3. I put it face up on a nice padded surface, with the protective film still on it.
4. I set 8 lbs. of books on it (I weighed them), with the one on the screen just 1/8 less wide than the screen.
5. I left it on for almost 4 hours and went away.

When I came back, it was warm from the screen being on with the bright wallpaper. Not hot, just warm.

I did the same test. It looks identical to my iPad 1 now. The question now, is will it revert back? I am thinking of leaving the books on overnight, with the unit off.

I can’t tell you how happy I am at this point. No dead pixels (yet), no bleed (as of now). It may revert back, I don’t know, but I will sleep well tonight knowing it’s a keeper.

Do this at your own risk. I am not telling anyone to do this, but for me, it was better to try it than start returning units.

If it reverts back, I will probably open a case online, but wait until apple sorts it out. Going to keep my iPad 1 for another week or so, but I have a line of friends wanting it :D
The popular theory seems to be that the glue between the glass and the body has not yet set completely. So this morning, noticing the faint bleed on the black screen, I pinched the iPad along the frame, and the light intensity of the bleed increased! One would think if there is a gap, the light would lessen when pressure is applied. I found the opposite.
Honestly I think this issue is being blown way out of proportion. Sure some units exhibit a very real problem but for a lot of the others to see it they have to have a pure black screen, go into a room with no windows, close the door and crank the brighness to 100%... to me that is just not real world use. Like I said some owners do have real issues so don't start flaming me but for people to go out of their way to create an environment that they will never use their ipad in is just silly. Just like with anything else if you go looking for flaws/issues you are bound to find something. Apple has a great return/exchange policy so there is nothing to be worried about. It's a great device and I highly recommend picking one up.
I have some bleeding on my I pad 2 if not for some post tell me to look for it with a pure black screen I would have never seen it so I think it's a little over kill

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