iPF Noob
Mine has the bleeding... Not too bad though. Not enough to distract.
Hi guy's I phoned my local Apple store today and mentioned this problem, I do have a little bleeding but nothing that would of bothered me had I not seen the threads about it. To my surprise the guy on the phone says he has never heard of an issue with the screens and suggested I make an appointment with a genius so as soon as I can I will make a visit to store but it's like 25 miles so I will wait till stocks are better so am not wasting my time if they exchange this unit.
...'he has never heard of an issue'
This is a standard policy tag line for Apple employees. I’ve been with Apple products since the cretaceous period and I know this to be a fact. Many of them don’t have the stomach to use it with known issues, but some do. It’s annoying but that’s just the Apple way.
nwb123 said:keep or not? can be seen at semi dim to dark rooms at 55-100 percent. but just that one small spot not noticeable when i use it i just get bugged when i look for it. picture taken at 100percent ,pitchblack room