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Send email attachment/photos

Sending attachments

I have documents to go...save your document there, then open it. When the document is opened in documents to go there is a send option....click that, type in the Email address, click "send" and you're good.:)
Ok, it's not a laptop. But there are some things that you should be able to take for granted to work, like sending attachments in an email, and the ability to easily move files on and off of the device. I should be able to drag and drop files on and off of it like an external wireless hard drive. You shouldn't have to buy third party apps to perform such fundamental tasks.
You can move files with a drag and drop with iFiles. You can email as many attachments as you like with GoodReader. You can modify stuff on your computer directly with SplashTop. You can import and read files wirelessly with FileBrowser. Grand total of less than 20$. Just try to find any software by Microsoft for that price...

Apps are bits and pieces of specialized software a little like modules. You just use the one you need for the task at hand.

Ok just a very basic question around email attachment, I have seen people's suggestion already.

Lets say I receive an email and want to reply that and the same time i want to attach few word doc, pics in my reply. Does Mr. Steve Jobs or any one has answer which can solve this issue in one click like you can do it in laptop, computer and other mobile phones. This is a very basic 18th century question to me and should not take more than two click. One hit reply second hit attachement bowse choice of file and hit ok??? Note replying email always keeps the tesxt from all previous conversation and you want it to be part of your reply.

Does any body has this answer??

I don't hink so this will require million lines of code (few extra lines can cover this(- its simply bloody a Apple policy no updates will cover this becase its simply a policy not bug. Apple has done it deliberatly to F** its customers and rule the world by treating customers as a begger. bad thing is that they are still best in competetion others can't even reach to what apple do.
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Ok, it's not a laptop. But there are some things that you should be able to take for granted to work, like sending attachments in an email, and the ability to easily move files on and off of the device. I should be able to drag and drop files on and off of it like an external wireless hard drive. You shouldn't have to buy third party apps to perform such fundamental tasks.
You can move files with a drag and drop with iFiles. You can email as many attachments as you like with GoodReader. You can modify stuff on your computer directly with SplashTop. You can import and read files wirelessly with FileBrowser. Grand total of less than 20$. Just try to find any software by Microsoft for that price...

Apps are bits and pieces of specialized software a little like modules. You just use the one you need for the task at hand.

Ok just a very basic question around email attachment, I have seen peoples suggestion already.

Let say I receive an email and want to reply that and same time i want to attach few word, pics in the reply. Does Mrs Steve Jobs or any one has anser which can solve this issue in one click like you can do it in laptop, computer and other mobile phones. This is vety basic to me and should not take more then two click. One hit reply secon hit attachement bowse choice of file and hit ok???

Does any body has this answer??

I don't hink so this will require million lines of code (few extra lines can cover this(- its simply bloody a Apple policy no updates will cover this becase its simply a policy not bug. Apple has done it deliberatly to F** its customers and rule the world by tearing customers as a beggar.

You can do this easily. GoodReader allows you to add any number and any variety of attachments to an email and send it directly from the iPad's native Mail app. There's no problem at all!!

Yes - of course - you're right that the basic Mail app itself won't do this because the iPad is not a file centric device but an app centric platform, where each app has its own 'private' file space. Thus, under this arrangement, the Mail app does not have access to the file space of other apps - the iPad's operating system, iOS, deliberately isolates or 'sandboxes' apps to protect them absolutely from virus attack. So, yes, Apple could have taken the decision to use a conventional file system on the iPad - then we would all have been complaining about having to install virus protection software.

They wanted to make the iPad a 'third way' a platform for a whole new group of users who perhaps had not previously been 'computer users'. This platform should be very simple to use, very intuitive. So the iPad is not complex to set up - even for those people who have never used a computer before. It was not designed primarily to 'please' the expert user - Apple reasoned that they, surely, would be able easily to find a way around some of these seeming 'restrictions'. Rather it was designed to empower a whole new category of user who had been too intimidated by the conventional PC.

So, in my mind, the iPad is ideal. My 90 year old father, who has never used a computer before in his life, was able to pick up the iPad and figure out how to operate it without a manual. I doubt very much whether he'd have been able to do that with a PC.

In my mind they made some very sound and credible strategic decisions and they are now reaping the rewards of stunning global sales.

You can move files with a drag and drop with iFiles. You can email as many attachments as you like with GoodReader. You can modify stuff on your computer directly with SplashTop. You can import and read files wirelessly with FileBrowser. Grand total of less than 20$. Just try to find any software by Microsoft for that price...

Apps are bits and pieces of specialized software a little like modules. You just use the one you need for the task at hand.

Ok just a very basic question around email attachment, I have seen peoples suggestion already.

Let say I receive an email and want to reply that and same time i want to attach few word, pics in the reply. Does Mrs Steve Jobs or any one has anser which can solve this issue in one click like you can do it in laptop, computer and other mobile phones. This is vety basic to me and should not take more then two click. One hit reply secon hit attachement bowse choice of file and hit ok???

Does any body has this answer??

I don't hink so this will require million lines of code (few extra lines can cover this(- its simply bloody a Apple policy no updates will cover this becase its simply a policy not bug. Apple has done it deliberatly to F** its customers and rule the world by tearing customers as a beggar.

You can do this easily. GoodReader allows you to add any number and any variety of attachments to an email and send it directly from the iPad's native Mail app. There's no problem at all!!

Yes - of course - you're right that the basic Mail app itself won't do this because the iPad is not a file centric device but an app centric platform, where each app has its own 'private' file space. Thus, under this arrangement, the Mail app does not have access to the file space of other apps - the iPad's operating system, iOS, deliberately isolates or 'sandboxes' apps to protect them absolutely from virus attack. So, yes, Apple could have taken the decision to use a conventional file system on the iPad - then we would all have been complaining about having to install virus protection software.

They wanted to make the iPad a 'third way' a platform for a whole new group of users who perhaps had not previously been 'computer users'. This platform should be very simple to use, very intuitive. So the iPad is not complex to set up - even for those people who have never used a computer before. It was not designed primarily to 'please' the expert user - Apple reasoned that they, surely, would be able easily to find a way around some of these seeming 'restrictions'. Rather it was designed to empower a whole new category of user who had been too intimidated by the conventional PC.

So, in my mind, the iPad is ideal. My 90 year old father, who has never used a computer before in his life, was able to pick up the iPad and figure out how to operate it without a manual. I doubt very much whether he'd have been able to do that with a PC.

In my mind they made some very sound and credible strategic decisions and they are now reaping the rewards of stunning global sales.


Great Tim, Sounds you have good understanding from in and out of iOS and iPad. I still think though attaching even a pic while replying an email and without jumping from email email app to photo app and start a new email from there is not an expert user functionality,if this is then i would be surprised to draw a line between expert and non expert (non pc whatever) users. thanks for reply
So wish I could attach to a REPLY.

The irony is that I want to reply to a message from an app support desk and I want to attach to that reply a screen shot of their app showing the problem. Now I can't do that without jumping through hoops - the simplest one seems to be to email the screenshot to my PC, save it and attach it to the reply from there. Not ideal at all and doesn't seem to meet Apple's philosophy of making their products so user centric.
And did iOS5 resolved it? No, more's the pity.
Thanks for all the help so far I can choose multiple photos fine but the email button on the top left is grayed out so I still can't send then. Please help someone?
My old man swore he'd never allow a computer in his house. Hell, he's seventy five and now uses a computer all the time. Just wish that he had started with Ubuntu, Mint or one of the other distros instead of Windows. Then my brothers wouldn't have been going over to his house to straighten out his system all the time. But, I wouldn't recommend an iPad to him due to him liking to receive and send pictures etc. Why frustrate him with something like this. Use drop box to your computer and send from there maybe? Thinking of getting a laptop/netbook and put a different distrro on it. Hardly use iPad. Trying to put some apps on it and get the wife to see if she wants to use it or not. Waiting to see when Ubuntu gets put on a smart phone. Read that they're working on that. Don't want an iPhone or a Windows phone. :)Good luck with getting what you're trying to do done.
If you find out how to do this, post it and let the rest of us know how to go about this or maybe someone will come up with a good fix for this. Damn closed systems.
So here's the partial answer

Attaching multiple photos-

-Go to the Photos app, go to the appropriate album, tap the icon at the top right that looks like a box with an arrow pointing out of it.
-tap each photo you want to attach. A blue check should appear on each thumbnail you select
-Tap the share button at the top left, then choose email.

Attaching to a REPLY- don't know yet...
Attaching multiple photos-
Attaching to a REPLY- don't know yet...

Try the following in the standard mail client (iOS version 5.0.1):

1.) Reply to a message
2.) Change via multitasking to Photos
3.) Tap on the first picture for some time until "copy" appears. Tap on it.
4.) Change via multitasking to the message, place the cursor, tap some time until paste appears und tap "paste".
5.) Again change to photos, copy the next picture and paste it below the previous picture in your mail ...

... and so on. It's some cumbersome but it works for photos.

But I have no solution for other files than photos as i.e. the "copy"-command does not appear in the dropbox-app.

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