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Setup of "new iPad", multiple iPads & iCloud questions

Very interesting thread here and I have a feeling we are going to be getting these questions many times in the coming weeks.
I for one will be referring this one to all our new ipad3 owners.

Thank you all!
Sorry for bumping this older thread but it's the closest I have found to the questions I have. Here is my setup... My wife has an iPad2 & iTouch, my daughter has an iTouch and I have an iTouch. I have iTunes installed on my computer and we all shared one Apple account. That worked great and we all got to share the apps/music/etc. I bought. I recently just bought myself a New iPad (iPad3) and set it up. I created a me.com account for myself and tied it to OUR Apple account that I use to log into iTunes. This was perfect and all my bookmarks, contacts, etc. is being backed up to iCloud. Well now I just updated my wife's iPad2 to iOS 5 and it asked to set up iCloud. At first I entered our Apple ID and it brought in all my iCloud stuff. So now her iPad had all my info in it. Contacts, calendar, etc. Obviously this is not what I wanted. I went in and deleted that account out and told it to create a new account. I made her her own @me.com account but I entered our Apple ID that we all share for iTunes. So now I have my own @me.com account and she has her own @me.com account yet they both point to the same Apple ID used in iTune.

Having it set up this way means we both have our own contacts, calendar, bookmarks, reminders, etc., we both have our own 5gig of storage space, we back up to our own iCloud, yet we get to share everything that is bought in the one Apple ID in iTunes. Is this correct? Is this the preferred way to set up a family and be able to share items bought without having to pay double for everything? Is there a downside to the way I set this up? I hope that wasn't confusing the way I explained it because I was really confused trying to set it up LOL. Oh next month for my daughter's birthday we will be getting her an iPad3 also. I'll make her an @me.com account like I did the wife and I so all three of us will be set up this way. Next comes 3 new iPhones! Bye Android! :D
It sounds like you've got it working just fine.

Some things you can check to make sure it's working right. Go into Settings > iCloud > Storage & Backup > Manage Storage. This will list backups for every device that is using that iCloud account: provided you've done at least one iCloud based backup. You can force a backup on the Storage & Backup page.

Keep an eye on the updates for the devices. As long as the apps keep updating on each device properly then you are using the same/right Apple ID to buy stuff.
Thanks! I just checked Manage Storage and each iPad shows their respective iCloud backup. Now I will watch over the next couple days to see if I get correct app updates.
No problems. That part is easy to fix, btw. Yuo just log out and back in (with the correct Apple ID) at the bottom of each of the iStores (iTunes, iTunes U, iBooks, App Store). Most tabs in the stores show your Apple ID (or Sign In) at the bottom left. Tap that for account options.
Just to clarify

Sorry for bumping this older thread but it's the closest I have found to the questions I have. Here is my setup... My wife has an iPad2 & iTouch, my daughter has an iTouch and I have an iTouch. I have iTunes installed on my computer and we all shared one Apple account. That worked great and we all got to share the apps/music/etc. I bought. I recently just bought myself a New iPad (iPad3) and set it up. I created a me.com account for myself and tied it to OUR Apple account that I use to log into iTunes. This was perfect and all my bookmarks, contacts, etc. is being backed up to iCloud. Well now I just updated my wife's iPad2 to iOS 5 and it asked to set up iCloud. At first I entered our Apple ID and it brought in all my iCloud stuff. So now her iPad had all my info in it. Contacts, calendar, etc. Obviously this is not what I wanted. I went in and deleted that account out and told it to create a new account. I made her her own @me.com account but I entered our Apple ID that we all share for iTunes. So now I have my own @me.com account and she has her own @me.com account yet they both point to the same Apple ID used in iTune.

Having it set up this way means we both have our own contacts, calendar, bookmarks, reminders, etc., we both have our own 5gig of storage space, we back up to our own iCloud, yet we get to share everything that is bought in the one Apple ID in iTunes. Is this correct? Is this the preferred way to set up a family and be able to share items bought without having to pay double for everything? Is there a downside to the way I set this up? I hope that wasn't confusing the way I explained it because I was really confused trying to set it up LOL. Oh next month for my daughter's birthday we will be getting her an iPad3 also. I'll make her an @me.com account like I did the wife and I so all three of us will be set up this way. Next comes 3 new iPhones! Bye Android! :D

I am a complete noobie, and just wanted to clarify a couple of things for others who read this thread. When setting up the second ipad, you initially use the shared Apple ID the first time you are asked. However,during the set up process ithen asks whether you want to use icloud. I thought it would give me the opportunity to set up a separate ID at that point for icloud but it doesn't. Instead, it assumes you want icloud set up with yor shared Apple ID. So tell it that you dont want to set up icloud at that time. Once through the setup prcoess, go into Settings, iCloud and create account. It says 'create new apple ID' and I was nervous that it was going to delete the link to the shared Apple ID but so long as you are in the ICloud part of settings, all you are doing is creating a new Apple ID in respect to the iCloud. The iPad user needs to remember they use the shared AppleID for Apps store, but the iCloud Apple ID in respect to the iCloud (when logging in from a computer, as you can't/dont need to get to iCloud from your iPad - i think that's right). Now I just to work out how to use Find my iPad between devices but that is a different thread!
You can not use Find my iPad between different iCloud accounts. However, you might look at the Find my Friends app. It's a bit more trouble to set up between devices (needing permission from each device's account), but can be used to track any iOS device. The only caveat is that it is more visible on the iPad and can be disabled in the app (instead of having to go to settings).

And, of course, you don't have the alert and wipe functions.

Find my iPhone will still work for all your devices through a browser (on a computer), since you can log into icloud.com with any needed Apple ID>
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Having a problem myself. I have a IPAD2 and New IPAD. I have one Apple ID and everthing is working the way i want except facetime. Since my email is the same it wont work. I tried changing the new IPADs email account for facetime but all it does is says its "verifying" the email. I can sent emails back and forth with the two emails but no messages or facetime. Am imissing something. Facetime has a "add another" email to use but for some reason its not working for me. Any help out there.
2 iPads, one account, moving storage

We have 2 iPads. I have tons of storage and space on mine; my husband does not have enough space on his. How do we access the storage I have on his iPad?
You can only set up one full iCloud account on each device. While you could sign out of his account and into yours, I believe there is a 30 day waiting period before he could sign back into his own account (or maybe that's only if you've activated iTunes Match).

Apple IDs and iCloud

At any rate, there is little advantage to switching back and forth between accounts. You'll lose more than you gain. Instead you should consider if it is worth buying more space for your Husband's account.

iCloud: Purchasing iCloud Storage and Billing

That's if you are talking about iCloud storage space. If you are talking about local storage on the iPads, that answer is that you can not share it. At least not by any method I am aware of.

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