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Sh*t My Dad Says by Justin Halpern


iPF Noob
This book is friggin awesome! I almost read the whole thing last night but decided to finish it this morning. I highly recommend it! It's 9.99 in both the iBooks and kindle app so i bought it in the kindle app but either way I don't think you will regret it. However, if you are some uptight person there is a lot of swearing.
Just picked it up on a torrent, will check it out later.......

When I saw the cover with the baseball uniforms, I knew I had to at least give it a try :)
Read first chapter.... Funny stuff...

The dad reminds me of a boss my wife had about 15 years ago. A foul mouthed old codger (and in his case a real bigot) but I had to laugh at some of the things he came up with.....
Read first chapter.... Funny stuff...

The dad reminds me of a boss my wife had about 15 years ago. A foul mouthed old codger (and in his case a real bigot) but I had to laugh at some of the things he came up with.....

A friend at work and I were just discussing how some old folks lose their filters and just start saying pretty much whatever's on their minds, like the 90-something lady recently forced to retire for her comments about the Middle East. The dad in the book sounds like that. Betty White seems to be revitalizing her career with it.
Yeah, it's a classic. I doubt I will watch the TV Series since Shatner isn't what I pictured as the dad. But the book delivers HUGE. I don't think I ever laughed so hard.

Reading The Passage right now, totally different book but still amazing.
just started reading this 2 days ago while at work and just about finished it today, i must say this is a must have, very easy reading also. very funny, i can safely say i will be reading this one more then once. :)

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