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simple question what did you buy your ipad for

This is a mixture of uses and reasons.

Web Browsing

Light Weight
Battery Life
Immediate Startup
Minimise Laptop Use

I am only completely satisfied with battery life and fast startup.

The area of greatest disappointment is photography. It is not as useful as I had hoped for backing up photos on the run. AirStash may help.

I am exploring ways to increase laptop replacement using NAS and FileBrowser. I don't expect 100% laptop replacement, I just want to minimise the number of times that I need to start it up.
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Show off how cool I am.

..kinda like how cellphone users state what they have. I.e. "oh I forgot to grab my iPhone, be right back!" vs "I forgot to grab my cellphone, be right back!"

I wanted to be part of the "iPad" group. "laptop" group seems outdated.
I got mine simply because I wanted to read my comic books, books, magazines and PDF files of all sorts. Cloudreader does that job for me nicely and simply. Best of all, the app is free. I was going to get a Kindle but I felt that for the money I'd spend on it I would spend a little more and just go ahead and get the iPad. It's a decision I am so very happy to have made. I cannot put this down for anything. Lol.
The main reason is because I like my toys. I told myself thay it was lighter than a laptop for travel and could function as an e-book reader. Now it's my daily newspaper fix and my entertainment toy of choice. However I;m still at my computers come evening time.

Well, I'm taking off for two weeks and leaving the laptop behind. Interested to see how it goes.
I'm at an age where the latest gadget is not a necessity, either for "keeping up" or "showing off how cool I am" but I got the iPad because it met a need: to be able to see clearly a photo while painting with the ablility to zoom into the photo as an added bonus. Since then I have been amazed at all the other things I can do with it and the smile on my face just keeps getting bigger :)
My Art teacher, who is not very techie, said it was the best Art aid he'd seen and if they had been around in the 80s, he definitely would have bought one, still not too late!


"If I was any fitter, I'd be dangerous!"
Web browsing.
I used to lie in bed in the morning with a cup of tea reading the news headlines on my iPod.
As soon as I saw Jobs' keynote I knew I would be buying one...
That it can do so much more is just a bonus.
To be used as a portfolio (photography) as an alternative to my print book. Will also be used for web browsing, books, and possibly a movie or two.
I never intended on getting an ipad, I was shopping for a new ebook reader, I was in future shop and was a little annoyed at how poorly the sony readers were displayed and how little the sales person knew . I wandered over to the computer section looking for my husband and seen an ipad on display and started playing with it. I opened the ibooks app and was completely entranced by the reading experience. My husband decided right then to buy me one for christmas. I couldn't be any happier!!
few years ago, on our annual ski trip, my BIL had an iPod Touch from his son for Christmas. My shuffle died during the ski trip, but I couldn't justify the Touch. I got a Nano, and loved it. I downloaded some videos and watched them on the trip back. It was alright, but found I could not really enjoy the video as much as I wanted to due to the size. The Touch was better in that aspect, but I knew it wasn't good enough. I waited for a long time knowing someone would come out with something bigger. And to no one's surprise, Apple was the one. As soon as I saw the specs, I knew this was what I had been waiting for.

The iPad does not replace my laptop, but it is a form factor all alone in my mix. Even my wife who does not embrace new technology until it is obsolete, has found my iPad a great source of ability. Last few weeks we have been looking at real estate, and were able to get information about listings on the move. My wife wants a particular item for Christmas, and I was able to check inventory in all the stores we would be near, to find out who had it in stock. Today, we are going shopping, and my recipe list is on my iPad. If I need to do another recipe, I can look it up on the web to see what I need to get. Maybe someday, I can just have her send me a grocery list in an e-mail instead of spending my store time on the phone.
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I bought an iPad as my first and only device at home.
I deal with enough techno at work.
I bought it for it's simple, inconspicuous, unobtrusive design. Very elegant!
It does all my "computing" needs. E-mail, surfing randomly, researching products (ever try to call a company on the phone?), and keeping up on the latest news - cancelled my paper subription -
Best "toy" I've ever bought, aside from my Jeep (also elegant in it's simplicity).
I'll probably even E-file my taxes on it.
If I break down and need to expand my uses for it, I'll drag it to work and sync it on my MacBook (or drag the book home). Nope, haven't even synced it yet. Or updated to 4.2 for that matter.
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I Bought The Ipad for three reasons:

1. To display my photographs to anyone interested. I also thought it would be a great device to backup my photos when out in the field shooting. But I quickly learned that the iPad was NOT a good field companion related to photography.

2. To replace my aging GPS. I got to the point where my GPS device kept telling me to update every time I turned it on. When I found out it would cost me almost US$100, I thought, there must be a better alternative.

3. To use as a music reading device. I sing in two choirs. Both require different sheet music. There were times I was carrying two sets of music going from one rehearsal to another. The iPad is big enough to store my music and use it to rehearse with and to use during performance. One of the choirs I sing with presented Handel's Messiah last Sunday. During weeks of rehearsals I used my iPad to read my music. On performance day, I used my iPad to queue me. It was awesome!

Those are my original three reasons for getting the iPad. Since then, I've come up with several more reasons to continue to use the iPad. One of these days, I'm going to figure out how I can use the iPad to make money. It has already helped me be perceived as being on the cutting edge of technology. ;)
We play and sing southern gospel music. We bought it to display the lyrics for songs. We use it to check email, update face book, and games to keep us busy on the road. We love the IPAD.

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