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simple question what did you buy your ipad for

I took a 16-day trip to Scotland and Amsterdam back in August/September. My company was nice enough to enable international phone/data on my Blackberry during that trip. I had intended on using it to make blog updates during the trip, and I did, however it took forever to type it out and update and finally send when I was done each day. I used my BB's camera for quick shots of where I was and what the blog was going to contain for that day. It worked, but it took forever. I also tried keeping up on my personal email using Opera and lets just say, not a great experience. Working on the BB was tedious to say the least. I used Wordpress for BB to upload and update the blog.

I could have taken my laptop and just used Tether and done it that way, however, that would have added yet another bag and about 15 pounds to my collection of crap I took over. Most important to take was my camera rig (1D Mark II and 4 lenses). I had enough camera memory I didnt need to take my extra drive or laptop.

When I got home, a friend of mine started showing his iPad off and how he would have done the editing and posting of the blog. He let me borrow his for a few days and that was it - I was hooked.

I bought it to be a mobile replacement for my laptop for trips. 3G was a major selling point as was the ability to use the web and update blogs. Since then, it has replaced my laptop for all but image and video processing, dvd ripping and gaming. My next trip will be much easier to blog than the last one.

A Journey Through Alba for the Scotland/Amsterdam trip.
Why I bought my iPad

Truthfully, my eyes are too weak and my fingers too stubby to use a large format mobile phone for a mobile work orientated comma device. I own a htc hd2 which has a pretty big screen. You can't take a laptop into a meeting, but you can take, and use something that looks like a paper notepad. I bought a stylus so I can take handwritten notes. I use WritePad from Phatware which converts the notes into typeface text.
Using mine as a portable media device is going to pay off starting tomorrow when I am flying to South Africa. I wish it could keep me from having to take my laptop but there is just no way. I guess I will see how good the battery life really is on this flight.
i find that people are never happy with a device intill it some loaded up with crap that it is no longer the simple device to use in one life... apple did the right thing with the ipad by keeping a simple and basic fuctional set up for a person to use ..

i bought my ipad to use for screen size is better than a phone and the protablity of the unit to be able to carry it with me to keep track of diff programs i have going on in my life along with the fact i need to cut down on want i carryed with me on road trips ..

plus given the fact that it has saved me a few dollars allready when i have been shopping and beening abe to cross reference a book arthur to keep me from buying another copy of the same book but ith a diff cover on it .

plus i like the fact that i can pick up the ipad and it access items pre-loaded into it slingbag and iam ready to face the day and out the door for work and not have to carry so much with me everyday ..

at home i use the desktop more for my basic computer work than the ipad for iam working on some type of project so need the large keyboard for the large amounts of data entry into the program ..so it just easly to use the desktop for that work and surfing the web for a 27.inch screen is a lot easlyer to see than a 9.7.inchs screen unit without my reading glass on ..
I bought it to read Kindle books. I have a Kindle, but I love the backlit screen of the iPad in order to not disturb others when I read at night. However, I'm having so much fun playing with it, I haven't read a book in 3 months! I used to read several each week.
I am a deaf single parent, a father of two hearing kids but one of them is autism. My desktop computer is on a desk but in the corner of the living room, meaning that my back is to the whole room. Every time I try to surf the Internet, my kids would pop out of the living room, into the kitchen and mess about. I can't use my ears like a sonar so can't know what the kids are up to. With an iPad, I could sit on sofa, do Internet surfing and keep my kids within my field of version, and also so I could get up and go where they went, to make sure they're not in trouble.

Also, while I still want to replace my aging desktop with a new desktop becuase I like to use desktop for serious work, projects, attempt to write a novel, graphic design, etc., I need the iPad as a PDA, to keep track of appointments, to remind me of things to do, birthdays, and to use many other apps like smartNotes to jot down ideas. To help me to cope with my life such as keeping important things organized.

And to play some music on the iPad's iPod app, maybe ever watch few videos, as well as hoping to use its Maps for when going on a journey.
I purchased mine because I have breast cancer and was tired of lugging a heavy laptop back and forth to my treatments and appointments.

I will share a cool story...at least I think it's cool!

As part of my treatment I was asked to participate in a research study of a new type of scan for more advanced breast cancers. I agreed and started treatment. About 2 months in I found out I was getting paid for doing the study. It paid for my 64 3G iPad. The first time I have ever purchased the first edition of tech product. I was thrilled!

This iPad has kept me sane during endless hours spent at the hospital, during chemo, waiting for radiation and after surgeries. That is what I purchased it for. Fun. Pure simple fun. At 36 years young I deserve fun.:)

Eta: I'm in remission, still have a lot of treatment ahead but remission is sweet!:D
I purchased mine because I have breast cancer and was tired of lugging a heavy laptop back and forth to my treatments and appointments.

I will share a cool story...at least I think it's cool!

As part of my treatment I was asked to participate in a research study of a new type of scan for more advanced breast cancers. I agreed and started treatment. About 2 months in I found out I was getting paid for doing the study. It paid for my 64 3G iPad. The first time I have ever purchased the first edition of tech product. I was thrilled!

This iPad has kept me sane during endless hours spent at the hospital, during chemo, waiting for radiation and after surgeries. That is what I purchased it for. Fun. Pure simple fun. At 36 years young I deserve fun.:)

Yes you do and more ..be safe and have good comeing year of beening cancer free ..
I initially bought it for all the fun reasons except work. Since I start developing apps for ipad, the role has reversed. However, developing apps is still extremely fun to me :)
Rae...you're super! My daughter is handicapped and I have to spend lots of time just sitting with her. Were it not for my iPad, I'd have lost my mind long ago.
1. ability to leave on standby with negligible battery drain
2. Related to above-convenience of instant on-no need to wait for boot-up
3. easy to carry around and use at home to surf the web/easy to tote to work to take notes
4. Reading e-books
5. Having myriads of apps to use
6. Elegant, non-bloated operating system
I bought it for entertainment while on trips. I can watch my own movies, listen to my music and play games.

Since getting it, it has proved useful for a few other things but I still always carry my lap top.
Replace my netbook.

I've been wanting a large ipod touch since 2008. Many times I thought how it would be nice to have a bigger screen back then.
3G(unlimited) just made it sweeter.

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