Fat Mans Pants
iPF Noob
1million said:The zombies are fun to squish.
They definitely are!! I wonder if they'll hang around after Halloween or if all the Halloween stuff will disappear?
1million said:The zombies are fun to squish.
They definitely are!! I wonder if they'll hang around after Halloween or if all the Halloween stuff will disappear?
Wow I don't know how I added my comment to your quote 1million, sorry
1million said:No problem. I think their hear to stay until we put the stuff in storage. I'll be putting the Halloween stuff away after Halloween including the Dream House.
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True. I don't know if I'll still be in the mood to squish zombies for Christmas. But I suppose new Christmas themed stuff will come out to replace it all. It's always exciting times in Springfield!
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1million said:oh yeah. I can't wait to see what they do for christmas. I hope they have snow falling and have homer turn into mr. Plow and barney become the plow king.
kewb62 said:How rare are donuts? Is it worth using them to speed some things up or should I save them all to buy stuff? I'm considering using some to speed up Lisa trick or treating in the black hole series of quests.