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Slayer Pinball Rocks HD (And it Rocks Your iPad Too!)


iPadForums News Team
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score

Check out this amazing-looking pinball iPad app from Sony Music Entertainment featuring legends of Death Metal, Slayer. The pictures don’t even do it justice, you’ll need to check out the video below to really see how fantastic it looks.

The soundtrack includes music from Slayer's new cd, World Painted Blood, and original voice recordings from the demonically growly singer/bassist Tom Araya. Guitar shredding mini-games are also included, and the game comes complete with some rock-hard gaming credentials, being co-produced by Gameprom, makers of The Deep, Wild West, Jungle Pinball and Pinball HD.

“As a life-size pinball player, this looks so awesome,†said Slayer’s Kerry King. “It looks really fun and entertaining, with a shot of evil, and it could definitely keep me up all night with a few shots for myself…â€

The game is designed to appeal to both long-time and new Slayer fans, as well as any pinball enthusiast, by giving gamers multi-ball play and a full tap along mini-game, as well as some suitably menacing visual delights such as spinning razor blades, guitars, amps, concert lights, and a skull that eats your ball and spits it out through its eyeball. Nice.

And if you decide you want yourself a slice of this gory goodness, then grab it now while it’s on sale for just $2.99 for a limited period.

Source: Slayer
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Wow that looks awesome, think I'll have to pick this one up.
Not a Slayer fan, but I love that Pinball action and camera work. Are other pinball games like that?
Not a Slayer fan, but I love that Pinball action and camera work. Are other pinball games like that?

Im in the same boat - really dislike Slayer (Iron Maiden is as heavy as Ill go lol), but the table looks awesome.

I bought Pinball HD, but cant try it until my iPad arrives - has receieved good reviews though.

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