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so is this normal for a person to be like this

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iPF Noob
me i hate summer time when schools out along with the socalled holidays with the kids are just roaming all over the malls and threates ..i love it when they go back to school and you are able to go into a mall or a local place with haveing them under foot and in the way ..

i like to go to the mall or my bookstore places in the middle of the day so i can not get hit with the crowds of kids who are just hanging out and takeing up space and will not act like they have a bit of common sense when it comes to normal sense ..

i went to a mall today for i was wanting to pick up a couple of paperback novels to read for the trip and have a bit of lunch and the place was back to being normal no kids only people who had something to do and get a quick bite to eat ..

there where not 20 kids to a table and makeing such noise that you can not hear yourself think when it came to trying to eat and do a little reading .

one time this last week i was going into one of the bookstores i like in the mall there was this bunch of kids standing blocking the entance to the bookstore and i asked them very nicely to move so i get into the store ..one of the socalled little turds basically told to wait my turn and they are ready to move they would move out of the way ..to me if i had not been in a hurry i would had the come to jesus talk with him ..i just looked at him like ok and i was going to walk past them as if they where not there ..just then a security officer came by and i waved him over and they got out the way of the door ..i told the officer what was going on and when i came out of the store a group of the mall security officers where pushing the so called group of kids out the doors there and telling them not to come back plus two of the socalled ringleaders where in cuffs and the local pd was on the way to pick them up..the same one who told me to wait my turn was one of the little turds who was in cuffs and beening mouthly as heck ..i guess that was the four or firth complaint about the group just going up and blocking the opening to the local mall shops ..
is that normal for a person to be like that ..

to me it seams that the little turds are the one who act tough but when they are alone they not so tough it seams.. the same group of kids where hassleing a couple of people about sitting in there spot in the food court area..

to me i would take in the wood shop and knock them around intill they got the light of jesus in them ..

i really can not stand to be inside the malls when the little turds are running around in the place ..thank heavens that the school year has started ..
In other words.....

yeah that about right with me when it comes to the baggy pants wearing down around there knees turd brains
I hate kids. Every last one of them. So it's not out of the norm for me. And by kids, I mean as a general rule, up to and including 18 year old (and even some older) adults.
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