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Something is wrong with my iPad

I read that one, just now. I have been reading everything I can! One thing I know for sure is this has nothing to do with my JB.

I can't tell you the last time I even got anything from Cydia.

But I bet it has something to do with the updating of the apps. What if I delete them all, I can get them all back right? It isn't that many...
You can definitely re download all your regular apps, just go to purchased tab in the app store......I don't know about your Cydia apps though, as you know I haven't been over to the dark side yet!

The Archangel
I only have two Cydia apps. I am not going to delete them. They were not updated and they are not the problem.

Oh yes. Purchased apps, in the app store. I always forget that part. I am not a big app buyer and I hardly ever go to iTunes.

Can you tell?
I wouldn't have noticed!

If your iPad is ok after deleting the regular apps try adding them back in small bunches, say four or five at a time, then wait a couple of hours and see if the iPad is still ok, if it is download the next group until you find the group with the rogue app in. It should be easier to narrow the problem app down this way.

The Archangel
Did you check your data usage? That would tell you if its an app or apps that are running cuz they would be using your 3G

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I don't think that 3G is running, David. Up top it says my wifi is on. 3G never kicks on in my house...

I am all restored and it is charging now. I hope this resolved it or it's the battery or some hardware....
twerppoet said:
I'm not confident the closing the smart cover stops all apps. Close apps manually using the home button before putting the iPad away and see if that helps.

I was surprised when an album I was playing in iTunes carried on when I closed the cover....
SweetPoison said:
Me too, David. I will be in tears ~ I could never get another one.:(

How's it going? My heart was in my mouth, reading through the thread!

Not good. Hey, woman... My contacts are floating.:(

I couldn't wait to get home to see if it was warm. It is all charged and pretty warm on top left hand corner. So I closed the case and but it in the sleeve it has lived in for over a year.

Five min later pulled it out it warm and 98% now. Down 2% and I haven't even used it.

I think I may take it in tomorrow and see what they will do, since my warranty ended June 20th.

What do you think they will do?
At the very least they will replace the battery at their usual fee (which is still a lot cheaper than buying a new iPad. But it does mean a few days iPad less.

Make sure you do a good backup before you go the store, just incase you have to leave it behind for a few days.

Sorry we couldn't find a simple (free) solution.
I already did my back up ~

How much is the battery? Two months out of warranty. I can't imagine Apple not being accommodating....

I better smile, huh?:D Look really nice. Cry.
Not as cheap as you'd like, I'm sure. It's $99 plus shipping. There are third party repair shops that will do it cheaper, but I'm not familiar with them, or their reputation.

Here is where I got the information on Apple's pricing.
Apple - Batteries - Battery Replacement

Smiles help. I generally feel better when I smile, even when I have to force it.

Good luck at the store.

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