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Sound problems


iPF Noob
Sep 8, 2011
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This morning, my iPad 2 inexplicably lost sound from it's built-in speakers. I'd been using it without problems for months, until now.
I checked the mute button. Muted it, and then unmuted it. still no sound.
I plugged in headphones. Yes, I can get sound through headphones, but no sound when I pull head phones out.
I went to sound settings, and can get sound out of the speakers when previewing the alert sound preview. Once I leave setting, sound goes away again.
I tried Skype, still no sound. However, Skype has a headphone switch that toggles between speakers and headphones. This switch does turn the speakers on. Unfortunately, the speakers don't work once I leave Skype.
I tried the reset everything option on my iPad. Still not fixed. :(
My last desperate option is to turn to this forum. Hope someone has an answer short of going back to the shop to get this iPad replaced.
Sound is back again. The only change was I charged my iPad from 30% to 100%. Very strange.
Okay, I am having the sound problems too. It was fine for a while but now the speakers and sound works on the videos I take but no sound when I access my apps (games and news feeds). I tried powering it off and on and fully charging it. I checked the settings and I tried to mute and unsure it from the home swipe stripe. Still no sound. Any ideas?
Whoops found the problem. The mute switch on the side was on. No mute switch on the home swipe bar
No sound in my iPad

Help! I did all possible ways to reset, reboot, mute buttons , sound settings... And still have no sound. I was using the Viber app last nite and all sounds to ALL APP is gone!!! Help I have the iPad 3
Help! I did all possible ways to reset, reboot, mute buttons , sound settings... And still have no sound. I was using the Viber app last nite and all sounds to ALL APP is gone!!! Help I have the iPad 3
Hi, welcome to iPF!

I'm not quite sure what "all possible ways to reset" means, so here's a suggestion:
Try to reset all settings. If something has caused your iPad to mute, this should be removed. It has to be done in Settings - General - Reset (Reset all settings).

Also: did you use headphones? Insert them again, play some music, stop the music and then plug them out again. Make sure there's no dirt in the headset jack. If possible clean it, but do so very carefully. Also take a look at your connector. If there's some dirt, remove it - also very cautiously.

If this doesn't help, please provide more information: what exactly did you try to fix your problem? Which software is installed on your device?

Hope that helps.

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