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Starbucks to update Passbook app by the end of this month


Editor in Chief

Lovers of good coffee (let’s face it, who isn’t?) will be thrilled to find out that Starbuks will be added to the Passbook app in iOS 6 by the end of September. The announcement was made via Twitter:

“Updated to iOS 6? Our Passbook update is coming at the end of this month! 00111010 00101001†(which equates with a binary smiley face)

Nevertheless, a Starbucks app already exists. The software allows thirsty customers to use the money saved up on a Starbucks card digitally, as the sum is uploaded into a smartphone app, available both in iOS and Android version. The actual payment is effectuated when a barcode pops up on the customer’s screen and is respectively scanned by a Starbucks barista.

But the Passbook app offers some extra options. The apps usually show notification for passes so when in the vicinity of a Starbucks shop users might be getting all sorts of alerts. With this new Passbook app an option for turning them off and on will exist. This is a good thing judging by the fact that Starbucks cafes are quite numerous, especially in big cities.

Apple has rolled out the Passbook app with four separate buttons for tickets, store cards, boarding passes and coupons. This division leaves out a distinct credit card button, so far. Apple plans to push its Passbook app especially in the entertainment sectors. It already made plans to include the possibility of purchasing tickets for the Major League Baseball or for the Fandango movie theatres.

By Radu

Source: Starbucks to update its iOS app for Passbook by month’s end

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