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Still No FaceTime Over LTE on New iPad


iPadForums News Team
Jun 7, 2010
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The Verge reports today that despite now having LTE capabilities for some models, the new iPad (which The Verge has a review version of) is still not capable of holding a FaceTime chat session over anything other than Wi-Fi. The Verge even has a screenshot that shows that when you try and initiate a FaceTime call on the new iPad over LTE, a notification pops up telling you to connect to a Wi-Fi network. This is despite the fact that The Verge says that the new iPad has very fast download and upload speeds via LTE, and is quite capable of acting as a Wi-Fi hotspot to enable you to make a FaceTime call via your iPhone! As The Verge notes, back in 2010 when Steve Jobs launched FaceTime for the iPhone 4, he said “We need to work a little bit with the cellular providers to get ready for the future, so we’re Wi-Fi only in 2010.†And as it stands, we’re still “Wi-Fi only†in 2012, and it is still not possible to use FaceTime over cellular networks. Apple had no comment to make to The Verge when approached on the issue, and they are also still waiting to hear from AT&T and Verizon, the two parties most likely to be responsible for restricting the use to Wi-Fi only. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Source: [/FONT]The new iPad doesn't allow FaceTime over LTE | The Verge
Now that surprises me?!?! I pre-ordered the WiFi/32GB model. Don't like the fact that you are tied by hardware to a single service provider. I have a Verizon 4G-LTE MiFi hotspot that I use with my current iPad and MacBook Pro. I should be able to use FaceTime on my iPad 3 using my hotspot (hopefully!)

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