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SwiftKey Shows Off its Next Keyboard for iOS 8


Editor in Chief
Jul 27, 2011
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SwiftKey is easily one of the top third-party visual keyboard makers for mobile devices. They are continuously updating and improving their product, and they always stands at the cutting edge of innovation. It's no surprise they would want to create a version of their product for Apple's iOS 8, and that's just what they revealed recently.

Late yesterday, SwiftKey revealed details about their new keyboard app coming to Apple's latest OS. The defining characteristic of SwiftKey software is their awesome feature called SwiftKey Flow (although that is sadly not available for the iPad just yet). Of course, their autocorrection functionality is second to none and is described as "mind-reading." This is because it has the ability to learn from its user.

Of course, this newest version of SwiftKey will improve and refine existing features while adding new ones. This includes something called SwiftKey Cloud, which syncs any info the keyboard learns about you throughout all of your devices and platforms. Check out the video above and the source link below for more info.

SwiftKey for iOS 8

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