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The "Anything Goes" thread

goofy8275 said:
@leelai: Love your new avatar! :)

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Thank you Goofy!

I'm really enjoying all the new ones lately and thought I'd join in the fun! ;)
I tried to change mine but I couldn't. Can't do it with Safari, and can't see how to do it in the app. I thought the app allowed a change from the profile page but apparently not.

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KevinJS said:
I tried to change mine but I couldn't. Can't do it with Safari, and can't see how to do it in the app. I thought the app allowed a change from the profile page but apparently not.

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Have you tried tapping your avatar on the profile page? You should get a result that looks like this.

With a victory in their game against the Edmonton Eskimos this Saturday, the Saskatchewan Roughriders can clinch a playoff spot after missing the playoffs last season.
The Roughriders are currently on a 3 game winning streak.
Is anyone else getting this problem

When watching a movie from shared file off laptop, the controls disappear so you can't stop/start film once you are watching it. Evenif you come out of the film, it carries on playing (audio that is). I have to close the app in the multibar to stop the film. Really annoying. I've reset etc... But I've got the feeling it's an IOS6 error. It's never happened to me before. I watched a lot of my movies via the shared tab as the movies play better on my iPad 3 than my crappy 2008 Toshiba laptop.
Anyone else having this problem?

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Yesterday, I was at lunch, and I got up to empty my tray because I was a lunch worker (I give the kids their food) And my crush was sitting next to me, and when I got up, I accidentally dropped the open chocolate milk on my tray, and it spilt all over his pants and his shirt, we all could't help but laugh, he went to the bathroom and dried up, we were all laughing so hard xD

Even he was laughing
He said
" you made a chocolate air freshener out of a human being "
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