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The "Anything Goes" thread

I love reading the books and yes, Mikel, they are always better than the film. The film does draw my attention to the book in many cases though.

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skimonkey said:
I am loving your Halloween avatar, Richard!

@ Hayles...sure is feeling like Halloween around here, eh?

Thanks Ski. I couldn't find anything ready made, so I took the chance to try out my normally dormant drawing app ;)

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twerppoet said:
You're welcome. The books are almost always better than the movie (imo); though there are exceptions.

I was going to say just that, Tp. . . Until I read your post. It's great to exercise ones imagination during a good read :)

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The movie was good never read the book though.

The sequel to the movie though was crap.
iJamesH said:
The movie was good never read the book though.

The sequel to the movie though was crap.

The sequels are mostly always crap
And the 3rd ones arent even worth making
And the 4th ones are just a waste of life
From the files of Canadian Press.

Canada's robotic arm on the International Space Station was put to work today when it grabbed a Dragon capsule that arrived at the orbiting space lab.
The unmanned Dragon, built by California-based SpaceX, is bringing supplies to the space station.
It was launched atop a Falcon 9 rocket on Sunday.

The capsule is carrying more than 450 kilograms of key science experiments.

The Dragon will spend close to three weeks at the space station before being released and parachuting into the Pacific at the end of October.
NASA is counting on private business to restock the space station, now that U.S. shuttles have retired to museums.
SpaceX is working to convert its unmanned Dragon capsules into vessels that could carry astronauts to the space station in three years.

End of copy from Canadian Press

twerppoet said:
You're welcome. The books are almost always better than the movie (imo); though there are exceptions.

I do try to see the movie first, if I also have the book.......otherwise I never do enjoy the movie as much! ;)
Thanks. It's my favourite obsession. Are you old school BSG or re-imagined?


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Both actually but the original has been my all time favorite show because I grew up with the show in the 70's.

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