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The "Anything Goes" thread

These trees have already finished getting ready for winter.

image-175962350.jpgthe rest will soon follow.
I just saw this poster on the side of our local live theatre.

image-3283260840.jpgwhat do you think?
I just saw this car while out walking.




what about those headlights!:)
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Just imagine trying to pack a set of golf clubs into that? Roof bars would help.

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Here are some photos of workers busy installing the new water connection to the new Safeway store under construction in my neighbourhood.


I just played a game of patience. The provider offered a free wallpaper and design for the cards. Guess what for :)



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I'm suffering a type of dry flu. All the symptoms are ther apart from a streaming nose and sneezing.

Thanks to the sore throat, I rumble along, like Lee Marvin to the tune of "I was born under a wandering star". ( with apologies to Leelai ;) )

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