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The "Anything Goes" thread

goofy8275 said:
Well, it took a lot of work, but I finally got my iPad home screen down to two pages! And that isn't easy when you have 373 apps! :)
At first, when I first synced it, I had so many apps that they wouldn't fit to the 11 page limit! I now have two full pages of folders, plus a full dock of folders. Here's some proof! (I only put the iPF apps there for the screenshot :))

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=27399"/>

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No wonder you are an addict Goofy :D

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I read the post about the Cuban missile crisis in the on this day in history thread yesterday and decided to post these photos of an important camera in my collection.
This is a KA-18A aerial reconnaissance camera. It is the type known as a strip camera as is contains no shutter and exposes the film by moving it past a very narrow slit at a speed proportional to the ground speed of the aircraft.
It was used for low level aerial photography at very high speeds.
This camera is the exact same model as was used to photograph the Russian missile sites in Cuba.
The two rounded items attached to the bottom of the camera are the film magazines. They take 9" wide film in 900' rolls, which cost $1200.00 a roll, if you can find it.








image-749008113.jpgAccording to the counter, this camera was only used to take 416 photographs.
I read the post about the Cuban missile crisis in the on this day in history thread yesterday and decided to post these photos of an important camera in my collection.
This is a KA-18A aerial reconnaissance camera. It is the type known as a strip camera as is contains no shutter and exposes the film by moving it past a very narrow slit at a speed proportional to the ground speed of the aircraft.
It was used for low level aerial photography at very high speeds.
This camera is the exact same model as was used to photograph the Russian missile sites in Cuba.
The two rounded items attached to the bottom of the camera are the film magazines. They take 9" wide film in 900' rolls, which cost $1200.00 a roll, if you can find it.

View attachment 27427

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View attachment 27433

View attachment 27434According to the counter, this camera was only used to take 416 photographs.

LOL that looks like a meat grinder almost
iJamesH said:
LOL that looks like a meat grinder almost dde04

And it weighs about 80 pounds.
BTW, the camera, as seen in the photos, is actually upside down. The lens would look through a special port on the bottom of the aircraft.
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Do I like to collect wolf stuff?

Yes, yes I do ;)


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scifan57 said:
Think we have enough leaves on the road?


This picture is good enough for a background pattern. We are catching up leaf fall wise. I hope my weekly weather photo which I'm taking tomorrow will demonstrate. :)

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