Reading your post makes it clear what a horrible experience you went through leelai, made worse by that being your first day at work, and you haven't forgotten it. It adds to a better understanding of how those young girls felt with Rolf Harris at his worst, and the silliness of those criticisms about why they waited so long to come forward. If found guilty, I'm sure they'll be tying old Jake the Peg Leg's kangaroo down tightly. Andrew Sent from Oz using Tapatalk
That really strikes a chord Andrew and I really like that you've made that connection, it's so true....
You never forget things like that no matter how much times takes time to feel empowered enough to speak out about it....which then empowers other victims.....those who may not have had the strength to do it themselves! It's just a shame it does take so long!
We've just seen Robert Hughes brought to would appear Rolf will go that same route, and rightly so!!